What different of Audiofude rev1 and rev2?

What different of Audiofude rev1 and rev2?

I’ve been searching this question for a while, eventually I asked my ChatGPT, and here is the answer it gave me:

Arturia has released two versions of the AudioFuse audio interface: rev1 and rev2. There are some significant differences between these two versions in terms of hardware and features. Here are the main differences:

  1. Hardware Improvements:

Power Supply Design: Rev2 features optimized power supply design, providing more stable and cleaner power, which improves overall audio quality and device reliability.

USB Connection: Rev2 has enhancements in the USB connection, improving data transfer stability and speed, and reducing potential connectivity issues.

  1. Feature Updates:

Firmware and Drivers: Rev2 typically comes with updated firmware and drivers, which may include performance improvements, bug fixes, and better compatibility with the latest operating systems.

Control Panel Software: The control panel software for Rev2 may have more features and optimizations, making it easier for users to control and configure various parameters of the audio interface.

  1. Appearance and Design:

• While the exterior of rev1 and rev2 might not have noticeable differences, the internal design and layout may differ to support the aforementioned hardware improvements.

  1. Performance and Reliability:

• Rev2 offers overall better performance and reliability compared to Rev1. Users will experience lower latency, higher stability, and improved audio quality.

In summary, AudioFuse Rev2 has enhancements over Rev1 in terms of power supply design, USB connection stability, firmware and drivers, control panel software, and overall performance and reliability. If you have high audio quality requirements and prefer a more stable and reliable device, Rev2 would be the better choice.


Let’s fix that a bit.

  1. Hardware Improvements:
    Indeed, the rev2 has some electronic and mechanic design updates that improves it’s audio performances and lower the inside heat.

  2. Feature Updates:
    No really, while it’s true that we made a Firmware and Software/Driver update for the rev2, everything contained in this update have been released to rev1 users too.

  3. Appearance and Design:
    Nothing major apart some very light changes on the silk screens.

  4. Performance and Reliability:
    Note that we stopped producing the rev1 when we’ve started the rev2. It’s the same device with minor fixes.
    The Rev2 have been made to fix some known issues from the Rev1 but changes are minors and one may not even be able to determine if he have a 1 or a 2.

So if you have a rev1, you don’t need a rev2.
If you find a second hand, you shouldn’t care if it’s a rev1 or a rev2 as they are both working the same.
If you want a new one, I really think that you will only be able to find a rev2 as the rev1 is not produced anymore.

Cheers !

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