Way to send Master Outputs to DAW

I’m finding more often than not, that I make tracks using the internal AFCC Mixer. Is there any way to send this into the DAW as a stereo track? I know it would be two extra Outputs, but I thought maybe it would work as USB Outs. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi there, it would help a lot if you posted a screen shot of the signal you’re trying to output to your DAW.

I think so, if you use the routing matrix to send the Main mix source to any unused pair of USB destinations like this:

Then set an Ableton audio track with Audio From that pair of inputs to record it.

Just be careful not to introduce a feedback loop by routing the Main Ableton output back into the 16Rig mixer like I just mentioned in the other thread.

The routing matrix lets you split sources (assign them to multiple destinations), so you can have the Main mix go to both the USB destinations and your monitor/phones outputs. That lets you monitor the mix directly and record it into your DAW at the same time, but then you won’t be able to hear any output from your DAW.

If you need to be able to hear the DAW output as well as hearing the main mix without any latency while also recording it into the DAW, that’s a bit tricker, but I think there are workarounds. You could use the cue mixer for monitoring, but it wouldn’t be the same mix levels unless you sync them up yourself. I think another option would be to use a pair of aux buses in the main mixer to send to Ableton, and set those sends to 100% on all of the channels you want to record (with the aux bus set to post-fader to preserve the track levels in the mix).

Also keep in mind that if you’re monitoring hardware directly and the DAW at the same time, there will be latency in the output from the DAW, so things might sound out of sync.


Ok, your best bet is to contact support : Ask for help | Arturia - The Sound Explorers

With your screenshot, specs, DAW and explanation that you just posted. I cannot help you further as I don’t use the 16rig and don’t know much about its routing. Good luck! :slight_smile: