Voice seems to not obey envelope

Hello there!

I have been using my minifreak for almost 5 months, and it’s the first time I noticed something… weird.

I start with an INIT patch - no routings on mod matrix, no other settings changed. I increase the main envelope’s attack to, let’s say, 3 o’clock.

Now, I press a key 3 times. Two out of three notes obey the envelope, but… the third doesn’t! This behaviour seems to also be dependent on the voice mode…

Mono: Every key press obeys the envelope
Poly: 2 out of 3 notes obey the envelope
Para: Every key press obeys the envelope (!)
Uni: No key press obeys the envelope

I tried the same experiment on the Minifreak V. None of the above behaviours - things work as expected.

I also tried different poly allocations/stealing modes etc. Nothing fixed this.

What would you suggest I do?

Hello there!

I noticed yesterday a similar problem. When set to poly, every 3rd, 5th and 6th key press does not obey the envelope. Further, when set to mono, no key press obeys the envelope. To be checked with para and uni. This is both with INIT patch and preset instruments. If a preset instrument is set to mono, the envelope does not have any effect (only the length of the note is affected, the volume does not follow the envelope though).

My firmware version is the I tried to install older versions of the firmware, but no success in solving the above problem. I am waiting now for an answer from the technical support.

Did you find a solution to your problem? Did you get any insight on whether it is a software or hardware problem?


Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

My MnF does not behave like that. The envelopes work for all voices in all modes.

I suggest contacting Arturia support.