Using Microfreak with Logic Pro - limited functionality and alters sounds

I am trying to use MicroFreak with Logic Pro. I have a USB connected from the MF to my iMac and it recognises it as midi. However when I try to connect is as an audio line via Scarlett 2i2, and use as an instrument, Logic Pro doesn’t recognise the MF. Using as external midi, arp/seq will only play in response to pressing keys if the play button on logic is activated at the same time as playing/recording but plays back in a jumble or alters the quality of the sound. I am getting very frustrated because when I use the MF as a standalone instrument connected to studio speakers it sounds great. How can I connect the MF properly to Logic and should I treat the MF as audio or midi when using with Logic? Thanks for any help.

This is a very easy to understand video on the subject

External Synth in Logic

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That’s great. I’ll view it now. I want to explore external instruments and go beyond the software instruments in Logic and so really hope I can make this work as I want to introduce more synthesis into my tracks. Thanks, lucernalondon AKA Matchstick

The video has helped somewhat. Coincidentally I started watching it yesterday in a search for a solution. Thanks again.