Using KeyStep 37 with Analog Lab / Pigments with USB Clock Switch

Before jumping into Ableton Live, I like to open Analog Lab or Pigments to audition some sounds and play around to generate ideas. I love using the chord, sequencer and arpeggio functions on the KeyStep 37, so here is where a unique issue popped up…

It doesn’t appear that Analog Lab or Pigments sync their tempos over USB/MIDI with the KeyStep 37 (unless I’m mistaken?).

No problem, I can update the clock dip switches to Internal then control the tempo/rate directly on the hardware. However, when I switch to using Ableton Live, I have to shut down the KeyStep 37, update the dip switches to USB, then I’m ready to go.

I know this is a champagne problem, but the process of powering off and switching the dip switches can be a real pain, especially if it is done frequently!

So, I was thinking—what if I just leave the clock dip switches to USB, and run a program to set the tempo while I use Analog Lab or Pigments so I can use the SEQ and ARP functions?

After some research I found some solutions.

I found a Python script that is wrapped in a simple UI/UX that starts a MIDI tempo and can send it to the KeyStep 37. IT is called MidiClock and can be found here:

I also created a Python script (for those who do not mind using the terminal):

Anyway! I just thought I’d share in case anyone else was experiencing the same issue!

Happy exploring!

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HI @R89 and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum.

I have to admit that it’s not a problem i have myself, i have a few different input devices which are configured for different purposes, but i can certainly appreciate your own situation and that it might affect others also.
So, many thanks for that!
I’m sure some people will find that rather useful.

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FWIW, I just updated my custom script to be a bit more user-friendly. You can run it on it’s own and it will have a nice prompt for updating the tempo, etc.

Here’s to a great 2024!