Using Keylab keyboards with a Daw and Arturia Software

I’m trying to understand what is supposed to be the correct workflow when using a Keylab keyboard with a Daw.
In Daw program, you have a virtual button that toggles between Mixer mode and Device mode
Also, in Daw program, at least in Logic Pro, the cursors and faders are affected to midi CC96-113.
In Mixer mode, they control the pan and volume of the 8 first tracks
Device mode opens the Device of the selected track i.e the audio plugin hosted by the Daw, I can for example open Pigments.
But then I can no longer use the physical knobs and cursors to control the Arturia soft Device since its Controls are not affected by default in midi settings to CC96-113, but to the CC71-85 and CC16-19 used in Arturia program mode.
As far as I know, you can’t have a different setting for knobs in Device mode and Mixer mode. Am I supposed to reassign the Pigments Controls to CC96-113 and forget the Arturia Program Mode ?
Am I supposed to toggle between Arturia Program and Daw Program, which is a pain and it only works with Arturia Software
What is your workflow ?

Hi @HugoInParis ,

When you are in DAW mode, then the controller use the DAW template - that’s read only.
When you are in Arturia mode, then you use the Arturia template - that’s read only.
When you are in User modes, then you use the selected User template that you can edit and create yourself.

The rest is about the software you use.

I suggest you download read the available manuals for your controller and for Midi Control Center.
And then i suggest you try to find more informations about midi CC around.

I don’t have Keylab Essential MK3. This is what i can help with.

I played a bit with the configurations.
I have set the Keylab under Settings/Global/DAW Protocol to “MCU”.

In Studio one I created a new Keyboard and set the Receive from to “keylab MK3 MIDI”
then I created a controller from Mackie and set the receive from to “Keylab MK3 DAW”

when you start KeyLab mk3 (from off to on) at the first screen switch to Arturia!!!
If you switch to DAW it won’t work.

NOW ALL KEYS, FADERS, KNOBS have full functionality!!!

Enjoy my friends


I’m afraid you’re all missing the point here.
There is a Daw Program on the keyboard which has 2 modes : device mode and mixer mode
As said in my post, in mixer mode, the knobs and fader control pan and volume , as they should.

But in device mode, you would expect them to control the device with the required midi assignment. And this fails as the software instrument is usually not configured to use the Daw midi control configuration (i.e , Pigments is not configured to use midi CC96-113).

I see 2 solutions :

  • either Configure Pigments - and all other software instruments - to use when in Device mode the Daw program midi CC configuration (i.e midi CC96-113), which is a pain in the …
  • either switch to Arturia mode (or User mode for other vendors, with your own edited config)
    In both cases this defeats the purpose of a device mode in the Daw program mode

Which is roughly your answer, @wolle62, not to use DAW program on the keylab MK3, to control the software instrument ( if I understand it correctly)

on the KeyLab in DAW / Device mode, the KeyLab used the standard midi CC channels that the built in instruments use.

I cannot speak for any other DAW than Logic Pro as that is the only DAW that I use and have tried the KeyLab with. In the case of Logic, it will detect if you are loading an Arturia plugin and automatically swap you out of DAW mode and directly into Arturia mode so control the instrument.
In DAW / Device mode it does do a pretty good job of matching up the encoders and faders to CC controls inside the virtual instruments. I did however find that for some it just wasn’t what I wanted. I found for those specific instruments that it made more sense to make up a set of user templates that linked thing just the way I liked it.

Thanks for your answer.
I’m still confused. I have Logic Pro 10.7.9 and I don’t see the behaviour you’re describing :

“on the KeyLab in DAW / Device mode, the KeyLab used the standard midi CC channels that the built in instruments use.”
The Keylab (essential) sends the Midi CC channel that have been configured by default in the Midi Control Center. In Daw/device mode, 96-104 for knobs and 105-113 for faders. These are not the one defaulted in the Instrument configuration (for example CC71-85 and CC16-19 for Analog V pro) .

" Logic will detect if you are loading an Arturia plugin and automatically swap you out of DAW mode and directly into Arturia mode so control the instrument."
Actually, it does not swap me out of DAW/device mode. I need to press the device/mixer button on the keyboard.

“In DAW / Device mode it does do a pretty good job of matching up the encoders and faders to CC controls inside the virtual instruments”
It does actually match something. I did not have the time to consider wether it 's a good job or not, but it is different from the default Arturia mode configuration, which is standardised along all their instruments and easy to remember, so I don’t see how it could be a good job.

Either I made a wrong configuration, or either I don’t understand what you’re saying.