Use Streamdeck to send MIDI Sysex to Beatstep Pro of Scene Mode On or Off

I should preface the following post by saying I am not the most expert of BSP users, but I use it pretty well. I know how to do a lot of good things but haven’t used the left side of the functions a lot. I can poly rhythm really great, and can create scenes. I use the Tempo Sync to my DAW. But I have not yet discovered it if there is a way to change from Control Mode to Scene mode right there on the device. So this post may seem redundant to you, but it also could seem useful so I’ll put it here anyways:

I have discovered that you can switch scene or control mode without having to have Midi Control Center open which is something you can’t have open at the same time as your DAW is open (at least not in Windows) and still get the Arturia’s MIDI over USB in both. So this is a pretty useful thing to have on your streamdeck. (I suppose you could use Bitfocus Companion as a virtual streamdeck if you want and there is possibly a MIDI sysex plugin for that but I don’t know haven’t checked).

You will need the MIDI plugin from the Stream Deck web store (free).

You drag your MIDI plugin’s sysex option to a button.

In the settings of the plugin when that button is selected set it to output to the loop or network MIDI (LoopMIDI or RTP MIDI I use).
Now copy the sysex from the lower window in Control Center that is for MIDI Monitoring (you have the option in MIDI control center) which it is sending when you change the setting.

Paste that sysex it is only about 8 hex pairs not very large. Paste it into the sysex field you choose the MIDI plugin’s sysex setting in the streamdeck software interface.

Copy your button to a 2nd button for Scene Mode (1 for off 1 for on), using that sysex (the only difference between the 2 sysex being sent for on or off is the 2nd to the last hex pair is a 00 or a 01).

Route your Loop or Network MIDI in your daw to send to the Beatstep Pro and set to record and monitor the MIDI track in the DAW.

Now you can switch scene or control mode without having to have Midi Control Center open which is something you can’t have open at the same time as the DAW is open and still get the arturia’s MIDI over USB in both. So this is a pretty useful thing to have on your streamdeck.