Use MiniFreak as 'midi controller' for Pigments?

I’d love to have some dedicated midi cotntroller to control Pigments to make it a more ‘hands on’ instead of ‘push mouse’ experience.

Owning a MiniFreak, I wonder if it would be worth the effort to create a midi preset (if that’s possible at all) to map the knobs of the MiniFreak to the most important controls of Pigments.
Problem is: there are so many controls within Pigments that I even would’nt know where to start (beside the common suspects like filters and ADSR).

Has anyone already given this a try?

What are your experiences, is it worth it?

Hi @StefanS

I can’t see any reason why it wouldn’t, obviously there’s a limit as to just how many parameters could be mapped to the MF hardware in comparison to the myriad options within Pigments, there’s nothing to stop you trying it.

Let us know how you get on. :+1::sunglasses::+1:

I figured out how to map some knobs already (had to adjust some settings on the MF first) which looks quite encouraging.

Challenge now is:
On the MF, most knobs have several functions that are selected by som other key (i.e. the effects I want to control)
Would it be possible to have the same physical knob of the MF be mapped to different parameters on Pigments depending on another key / switch on the MF?
Like choosing with the effects selection key on the MF which effect in Pigments will be controlled by turning a knob?

HI again @StefanS

I don’t think this is possible, although of course you could try.
I’m assuming you’d want to use the ‘shift’ key etc?

It would be worth trying this in your DAW or using something like MidiOx (if you’re on windows, i’m sure there will be something like it for Mac OS too) to see if it outputs different cc’s when using the Shift key, or any other modifier.

@StefanS, With most controllers you can only get one MIDI CC per control (button/slider/knob). To add any sort of logic based on state (ie send a different MIDI CC if some condition is met), then you need a standalone midi processor or if you have an iOS/Mac then you could use Midi Fire or StreamByter to script a solution that suits your needs.

@Silence, what is a ‘standalone midi processor’?

A MIDI processor is a box that connects between two or more MIDI devices and converts or filters messages based on rules that you set up. The programs mentioned in the previous post are essentially MIDI processors that run on a Mac or iPad

Thank you!
I’ll check that out.

Hi @StefanS,

You can create different midi Configs in Pigments right panel.

I don’t have Minifreak, but if it send out midi CC for some controls, then just create midi Configs in Pigments.

Please keep in mind, that some midi CC’s in Pigments are reserved like for the modwheel.

Just get a Minilab and be done with it!
Your time spent fiddling is worth money! You can get the MkII for $50-$60 on eBay.
But treat yourself and get the latest!

I had a MiniLab 3 but sold it (used it too little). Currently I am very happy with my KeyLab 61 MK3.
Plus I use the Ableton Mov,e so I already have quite some sliders and knobs to tweak.

But - I was looking for something more ‘Synth-like’ (like the Minifreak) to have a more intuitive approach (or ‘map’) to the different sections (like Oscillators, filters, envelopes), if that makes sense.

Since the topic evolved to other ways of MIDI control of PIgments, is anyone using the Novation 61SL MKIII and if so how happy / unhappy you are?

I am OK with carefully map MIDI for it and for other V Collection / FX apps.
The reason why I am asking about the competing is number of knobs that show stat (in case of the MKIII on dedicated oled screens), what is not the case for KeyLabs, etc., that even lack LED rings in encoders.
