USB Upgrade in the Works?

Any news on when we can expect to see enhanced USB connectivity?
I know there would only be a marginal reduction in latency by switching from USB 2 to 3.x specification, but I’m thinking more about network awareness and connectivity possible with the USB4 specification.

I would also appreciate seeing Arturia early adoption of MIDI 2.0 protocol features incorporated into your suite of audio interfaces, hardware and virtual synthesizers and effects.

HI @Muiren and thanks for the post.

I’m afraid Arturia rarely, if ever, make pre announcements about updates etc.
Switching from USB2 to USB3 and inclusion of Midi 2.0 would likely mean some changes to hardware as well as software too.

The best way to get the jump on the latest is to subscribe to The Arturia Newsletter to be the first to know about them.

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So, am I to surmise from this discussion that USB 2.0 is the fastest USB protocol supported thru the Minifuse 4 USB-C connector? I ask this because the way the manual presents the spec for the USB-C port is to express it using language that suggests it is backwards compatible with USB 2.0 for Win and Mac systems “USB 2 Audio compatibility” (page 39 in the manual), not that it IS 2.0.

But, does it matter with respect to latency? USB 2.0 at 480 Mbps vs 3.0 at 5000 Mbps.

Hi all.
Welcome to the community @MrNotes.

It make no difference.
USB 3 is faster by adding lanes not by adding speed to a lane. It’s like have one truck pr audio channel, so even if you get more trucks driving at the same speed, then the cargo do not arrive faster and one trucks cargo is enough. You shall use over 240 channels before it can make a difference as far as i remember, as you then need more trucks.

I’m not sure if USB 4 can change that. I think it has something called dual-lane transfer, but i’m not sure that will increase the speed and can reduce latency. If so, then i will believe it at some point will be implemented in products where it matter.

I hope midi 2.0 will be implemented soon where it matter. Some products exist at this point.

USB-C connection will be more and more standard. But many actually find it less robust. In mobile units is think EU will have it as standard in 2026, but i’m not sure, so please find informations about it your self.
Many computers already only have USB-C connections.

A USB-C connection can be for USB 2 as well.

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You beat me to it, yep that’s a perfect analogy!

Same speed, greater bandwidth in a few words.

@MrNotes and @LBH
So, to be clear, the topic was about connectivity and MIDI 2.0, not latency.
All you have done is dismissively regurgitated basic information about USB 2 found in Arturia documentation, then congratulated yourselves on a job well done, without showing any knowledge or thought about the real topic.