Upgraded to Pigments 6 today and now it crashes Ableton. Help Please

Pigments opens fine as a stand alone but when I try to load it into Ableton 11 Suite, it crashes it. I have done a rescan to make sure it’s seeing the updated version - not sure if that should have mattered as it was not a new install. I updated Modular V at the same time and it opens no problem as a VST3. Analog Lab V opens fine, and in fact I can open Pigments from A-Lab. After I opened Modular V on it’s own track I even tried to do a hot swap but again, Ableton crashed. Thoughts?

Hi fpssdave,

Sorry to hear you’re having issues. This shouldn’t be happening. Reach out to support to troubleshoot this with you - Ask for help | Arturia - The Sound Explorers

Very well then Joseph - thank you.