Update faulty

Nice features but its totaly faulty in splitmod to transpose.
Seems it ignore the splitpoint and tranpose a sequence in the range of the respectively other track.

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HI @TinyVince and welcome to our Sound Explorers Forum. It’s great to see you made it here.

Sorry to hear you’re experiencing this, you should log in to your account to contact our support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap:

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Thanks for the answer.
It should fixed in the update , not specialy on my unit.
IÂŽm happy with it but not complete with the firmware in general and some functions.

Is it a known issue or something specific to @TinyVince ’s situation or unit?

I really would like to know before updating my unit, thanks.

So yes, nice and very welcome features in this one of ‘regularly’ updates :sweat_smile::face_with_peeking_eye::wink:

The update in general its not faulty but these feature are incomplete for existing functions.
Split the keyrange in conjunction with transpose latch doesnt work useful.

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not doubled checked but found this in the manual that you have to manually hold trans when in split mode, to transpose only 1 track, but I need to test this myself
Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 11.10.03

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Nice, but whats the reason for this limitation? Hopefully the programchange feature works not in track 2 and 4 only. Either new feature should be integrated in the whole existing features.

Some other bugs i found still in V2.5 .
The led of a delete/erase pattern still lit up altough.
To the programmer of the “transpose latch function” . It would be nice you implementate the feature as “scene latch” function as well as “pattern latch” function.
A lot of users would control/switch the KSP with a single finger in case it make sense.
Must this constant “I need both hands” feature for simplest functions don’t come to an end at some point?

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