The lack of integration of _Spark 2

Hi there,

I was now playing around with _Spark 2 some weeks and it’s a growing love … BUT …

  • There is no Integration within the Arturia ‘eco-system’ like AnalogLab and the KeyLab controllers (found no Midi-Mapping setting - you have to edit this via KeyLab User-Setting)

  • The maintenance Version level is ‘archaic’ - no Apple Silicon support :frowning:

  • There is no actual ‘special Controller’ for the _Spark 2 available

Would be very nice if we can see a developing progress for this gem! :slight_smile:

Greatings, Michael


I hate to use the phrase but Spark is essentially Abandonware. Arturia have not developed it further in many years apart from Apple Silicon support. It pains me greatly as I love Spark and think it should be developed, especially as Arturia has no other similar s/w offering.


I agree. I’m sure there must be a good reason why it was ditched, and I had really hoped it was because something shinier and better was in the pipeline - but after all these years I guess that was just wishful thinking. It would be nice if Arturia could explain why it was abandoned, because as it is right now I think it’s a bit of a kick in the pants for those who invested in it.


Yeah good luck.

Those of us who have been around a while have been pleading with Arturia to develop Spark for nearly ten years. It will probably surprise you to learn this, but Spark 2 was once proudly part of the V Collection, right up to VC4. VC5 was launched in 2016 and was a complete rewrite of all the products’ skins to give them the look and feel you recognise today. All except Spark 2, which did not receive the UI update, never has, and was not included in VC5, nor any VC onwards.

Like other members, for a while I optimistically assumed this might be because we were at some point going to get a shiny replacement such as a DrumBrute V, but it never happened. Just…silence.


Are you listening Arturia?

I know you dont owe us an explanation but you sort of do. We invested in you…

If there is a sound logical reason for abandoning it and not offering a replacement, I would love to hear it.

It is such a good product!


oh yes… the very good old spark 2 is still my favorite controller, drum machine, sequencer tool & i really don’t miss a DAW at all with it! actually all my own “stuff” produced since 2016 is made using spark 2 without exception! i love the v collection, analog lab & pigments too besides some other great instruments (software as well as hardware) by arturia, but a spark 3 would be the best thing that could happen to me & my way of producing trax! :slight_smile:

just bring it on anytime, dear fellows at arturia! :wink:

cheers! waving


At half the normal price in their short sale, only £74 for the Spark 2, I’ve been seriously considering buying it.

I can get a tune out of most instruments within a couple of mins of trying (I once tried a flute and failed miserably, even with them explaining exactly how to blow across it.)

Apart from the flute, the only other instrument I’ve tried and failed to play are drums.

Unlike the flute that I’ve tried only once, I’ve lost count at the amount of times I’ve tried drumming, both on real drums and on pads.

Don’t know what causes this weird blockage, can keep perfect time when playing say the piano.

So I need all the help I can get.

Have just subbed for a month at Melodics and their finger drumming lessons are helping me getting used to multi pad drumming, will be interesting how well I do and how good a feel the course is,once I’m over the beginner stuff.

Toontracks Ezdrummer software looks very good, but it’s not cheap , especially when factoring in various different kits.

So having another hardware drum machine for £74 is very tempting, but do I really want/need it or am I just thinking of buying it because it’s on sale?

I already own Native Instruments Maschine mk3 and Arturia Keylab 61 mk2, both have 16 drum pads on them and there’s tons of courses for Maschine on YouTube etc.

The biggest thing that’s made me come to my senses and not buy (wouldn’t put bets on me not changing my mind in the next few days though) is the contents of this thread.

I don’t care how many years a piece of hardware is in production for, if it’s still going strong after 5, 10, 15 years, it shows the company got the product right.

I do care that the company still supports the product and has plans to continually do so. From reading this thread, I’m not convinced that will be the case.

Decisions Decisions.

Argh, just seen they do an Ispark version for £19.99 for my iPad, with in app purchases, presume these are kits, can’t find much info but it’s gone 1am, I need sleep, will look tomorrow


As an Apple user, all I can say is that Arturia last updated Spark to run in Rosetta mode on M series. That works but eventually Rosetta will be dropped by Apple, probably within the next 5 years and Spark will cease to work on even the M series. Along with that, the GUI is not scalable and looks tiny on a 4K monitor. Would I buy Spark now? Probably not. But I have had it for years and would not part with it until it was prised from my cold dead hands.

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I already own it as part of the V Collection 4 I purchased way back when, but no way would I buy it now. The way I see it, £74 for embarrasingly-outdated abandonware that hasn’t been updated for nearly a decade is paking the tiss. And as for the full price of £150…lol.


Thanks, I won’t be buying it

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Hey Arturia! This is a Popular Post. That means people like Spark and want to see it updated! Time you responded!


Spark2 is great, i love it. Even more after i found spark LE… arturia pliz wipe the dust of spark2…


I tried Spark in demo mode and loved it. However, based on what I’ve read on this thread, I won’t be investing in it. Such a shame! It was a lot of fun. This is a lost opportunity for Arturia.


Sometimes it’s simply not possible to upgrade a product anymore.

I assume it’s not possible to make it scaleable. And there may be issues with the code used. It’s a shame, but without knowing - then that might be the reason things are where they are with Spark2.

Perhaps at least another software drum solution is on it’s way. Only Arturia knows.

Welcome to the community @Veeque .


I too have owned Spark 2 since V4. Great plugin-I would love to have it back as I’ve been on M1 for a while. I definitely would not buy it now, though…

Please bring it back Arturia! :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

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It’s a shame, the Spark LE controller is a gem of a controller, and the full Spark was awesome. I’ve still got my SparkLe, but the UI def needs upgrading to be more functional, especially if you’re bringing in your own samples.


I love the sparkle controller and the spark software. it has a perfect size for a desktop and tons of great sounds and beats. I stopped using the rosetta mode due to other synths that didn’t perform well and now the spark is of course not showing up anymore. This is frustrating. I will have to completely switch to Maschine in this regard.

I use the Creative Drum Machine. But I will say my version of Spark/SparkLE/Spark 2 on my MacBook Proisnt working so well with the latest OS upgrade. Do I have to rebuy Spark 2? I don’t seem to be able to get to Spark 2. What’s up? I uninstalled then tried to reinstall but it just keeps crashing.
Now what?

Are you running on a iPad or Mac or PC or…?

Spark2 has been updated a couple years ago to run on Apple Silicon Macs, but only in compatibility mode (Rosetta). You need to download Spark 2.4.2 if you have a M1/M2 MacBook Pro.
However, it will not run as a Native M1/M2 plugin/instrument.