Synth which emulates Guitar Feedback

I have the V Collection X. I am looking for a nice preset which emulates guitar feedback. Is there something which goes in this direction?
Thank you in advance!

I couldn’t find an existing preset, but it should be relatively simple to make something, depending on what type of sound/realism you are looking for.

On any synth that has one, start with a sine wave played at your desired frequency (maybe have it fade in or blend it with whatever existing sound you have). If you want to sound like real fake guitar feedback, you’ll probably want to add some distortion, or even use an amp simulator or Impulse Response to get that miked cabinet sound.

Hi @zappafrank ,

It depend on what you mean. And on the result you exspect.
To add to @Talahamut suggestion.
Some feedback like MIC-AMP feedback can be emulated by morphing sounds or by crossfading oscilators.

If you search FEEDBACK in the presets browser, then i think you can find some examples depending on the presets you have.

Thank you for your suggestions. I am looking for the classic feedback of a distorted guitar. I have tested some “Feedback Presets”, but I haven’t found a Preset which really does that to a certain degree.

Try the Prophet 5 helicopter preset: Leave the mod wheel all the way off and turn the resonance all the way up. Then play with the cutoff and sustain. Moving the mod wheel a tiny bit will let you adjust the “scream” of the feedback sound.

It’s pretty fun once you find a sweet spot. I’m using a Keylab Essential controller so the cutoff, res and sustain are already mapped on the first two knobs and the third fader right below them.

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There is of course another option, one which i use myself whenever i’m after some guitar feedback… i’m not a guitarist but i do have a guitar kicking about… so i use that… just pick your note and hold the thing in front of your monitors, it’s something i’ve done multiple times now and; being ‘the real thing’ sounds exactly right…
Only takes a few mins too.

Yes predominantly it would be a sine wave that fades in, but it would be heavily coloured by the amp and any pedals.

So I would either pass it through an amp emulation, use distortion or both.

There’s also an opportunity here to use a self-ringing oscillator as that effect is also created by an actual feedback loop, I believe. On a synth like the MS-20 you also have the ability to create patch in a feedback loop that would also potentially add distortion too.

If it were me, that’s probably where I would probably start with my experiments, and MS-20 into an amp emulation.