Sustain Pedal Stuck on 127

I have a problem regarding my Leem FS-500 sustain pedal when it’s hooked up to my Keylab 88. The midi information sent from my sustain pedal either gets stuck on 127, (pedal pressed down), or it doesn’t register anything at all. I tried using a friends sustain pedal which worked wonders, but the issue seems to be with my specific pedal. I remember reading in a manual for the Keylab 88 that any sustain pedal should work if I’m not mistaken. I’ve also tried using the polarity switch but that simply reverses my issue. Firmware is up to date in the MCC and I’ve even done a factory reset of the Keylab.
What could be the problem here?
Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Hi @TheKottzter,

I’m not sure i understand the problem.

Are you saying that when the pedal is pressed down, then you get one value (127) and when you release the pedal you got another value (0)? Or reversed when setting another polarity?
This is how a on/ off sustain pedal work. Only two values - on/ off.

Are your Leem pedal a on/ off sustain pedal?

Which settings do you have for the Sustain pedal in the Midi Control Center?

Have you tried your pedal on your friends keyboard?

Sorry, I might have been a bit unclear, haha! When I release the pedal physically, the midi value is stuck on 127 as if the pedal is still being pushed down. Then I have to push the pedal a couple of times for the value to go down to 0 again.
I’d guess it’s not an on/off, it’s one of those made to look like a real sustain pedal.
I’ve tried every setting for the pedal in the MCC without any success.
No I have not, I’ll have to try when I get the chance!
Thank you! :slight_smile:

On/ off sustain pedals are also “real” sustain pedals.
Yes i suggest you try the pedal on another unit. The pedal can be faulty.

Yes, I understand that, what I meant was one of those that’s supposed to look like those you’d find on an acoustic piano. I’m not sure if they’re on/off pedals or not, hence the comparison if that would have helped.
I’ll try it on a friends, thanks!