Studio One and ARTURIA KEYLAB49 MKII MIDI Set-up

Hello all! I am having trouble getting my KEYLAB49mkII to communicate with Studio One 6. I use a PreSonus ioSTATION24c audio interface, which has transport controls, and that works fine.

I have replaced cables, tried different USB ports, different external device scenarios, all with no luck. My external device set-up in Studio One is pictured here. Right click on it, and open it in a new tab so you can see

Anyone here had the same problem, and if so, how did you resolve it?

Thanks, Mike

Hi @michaelpuccio57. Welcome to the community.

What you show look fine. But you do not show the actual setup windows.

It sound like nothing at all work- Is that the case?
If not:
What excactly do you mean? What excactly does’nt work/ are’nt being communicated?
Is it the Control Surface or the Keyboard setup or both that does’nt work?

Did you get any warnings about conflicts between setups. when you made the setups?

If it by chance only is the Keyboard setup that give you trouble, then be sure you have’nt filtered out functionality in the setup.