Sticky keys! (software side only)

I did a search and only found old topics, but my new Keylab Essential 49 Mk3 has this issue, whether I’m using stand-alone apps like Kontakt 7, or Arturia Analog V, and also in any DAW… the keys occasionally stay on “hold” until I press them again. Is there a fix for this? Thanks.

Windows 11 Home64Bit
i7 14700KF
Geforce RTX 4070
Arturia MiniFuse 1

Hi @vincentmg

You say this is happening purely in standalone versions, does it happen in a DAW session too?

Oh I worded that poorly (fixed now)… no it happens in both, standalone or within the DAW.

Hi @vincentmg

Thanks for the clarification.

If your KLE is still under warranty, i’d contact the seller for a possible replacement or a refund, depending on consumer rights in your part of The World of course.


Before condemining the device as faulty, are you by any chance connecting the device through a USB hub? These can often give problems losing data, and commonly it’s ‘note-off’, which is what you have observed. I would always advise plugging the controller directly into the computer, or if you are already doing that, try different USB sockets.
Then if that doesn’t fix it, try a different cable. Only if all that fails would I bother sending it back, because when DAWs and plugins ignore ‘note off’ events, it’s very very rare that it’s a hardware-fault at the controller-end.

Hi @vincentmg.

Just to be sure - Is it only the graphics keys that hangs or does the sound stay on hold too?

It’s definitely both. The graphic at least helps me figure out which note is holding…

So good question, and in fact - yes, sort of! …I’m using the Arturia MiniFuse1 as the USB hub, as was recommended in the manual, but that may in fact be the issue, I’ll try not using it that way this week.

Yeah definitely worth trying. It can only ‘not’ fix the issue, and at least then you have exhausted the options before returning the controller as genuinely faulty.

So just an update - I tried a different USB port directly on the motherboard (not the MiniFuse hub) and the problem persists unfortunately.

have you tried using something like midi monitor. or MIDIView - Free MIDI Monitor tool for Win & Mac

this will at least let you see what information is being sent to and from the midi keyboard to the computer so you can diagnose what is going on

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