Some presets no longer recognise the sustain pedal

I’m having some issues with my sustain pedal on some presets in Analog Lab Pro and I’m not sure how best to troubleshoot.

Today, out of seemingly nowhere, some piano presets Pro are no longer recognising the sustain pedal, whereas some others are working as they were before.

There have been no software updates as far as I can tell, and I don’t think I’ve deliberately changed any settings but perhaps I have accidentally done so.

The keylab correct displays the values of 0 when the sustain isn’t pressed and 127 when it is, and there are some presets which still behave correctly so I don’t think it’s a hardware issue.

How can I check the MIDI settings for each preset to try to diagnose the issue?

Hi @KnewBee. Welcome to the community.

Are you sure the sustain pedal have worked before on those presets?

Perhaps it’s easist if you name one or two factory presets where the pedal don’t work to check out. Then we can take it from there.

FYI: In the lower toolbar of Analog Lab you can click the Keyb.Settings and check some settings there. But for many presets it can be about how they are programmed, and then you need the full application a preset belong to to change it.

These presets don’t recognise the sustain pedal:

American Classic Clean
American Home Clean
American Home Grand
American Pop Clean
Amp Piano Jazz
Armando’s Pforte Dark
Armando’s Pforte Soft Room
Bills Best Jazz
Billy’s Boogie
Cassette piano
Celluloid Noir

These ones do:

American Classic
American Concert
American Concert D
American Distant Room
American Init
Black Forest
Classical Jazz Player
Classical Jazz Record
Concert Grand

That’s very strange. They are all Piano V3 presets. I’ve tried presets both in Piano V3 and Analog Lab standalone mode and as plugins in my DAW. No issues. Do you have the issue in both standalone mode and in a DAW/ host?
In Piano V3 the Sustain pedal is global.

Are you sure it’s the same presets that allways does’nt work and those that does work allways do? It could be you have sustain pedal issue of some kind. It could be the connection.

I’m on Windows.

Thanks for your reply.

I’m afraid I’m not certain of anything as yet as I’ve only just started to experience the issues, but it does seem like it’s the same presets.

If I open the presets in Piano V it recognises the sustain pedal straight away, and I’ve also uninstalled and reinstalled Analog Lab Pro bit still having the same issues.

Is it possible I’ve accidentally turned off the sustain pedal in Piano V somehow, and that’s being sent to ALP for the presets (despite Piano V remaining unaffected?)

I’ve also checked in the Midi Control Centre and I’m seeing the on/off messages, so definitely seems a software rather than hardware issue

I’ve just checked in my DAW (Cakewalk) and the same thing happens as in stand alone mode.

As said - then the setting is global in Piano V3. It’s on or off for all presets. You can check the MIDI config in the Right panel.

Are you saying it actually work correct in Piano V3 but not in Analog Lab V?
In Analog Lab V you can check the Keyb.Setting i mentioned. But unless you use resaved presets so they no longer are factory presets, then the pedal should be on.

“Are you saying it actually work correct in Piano V3 but not in Analog Lab V?”

Yes, Piano V is working as expected in both DAW and Standalone mode.

Whereas Analog Lab Pro isn’t working for these presets (but is working for the others mentioned).

“As said - then the setting is global in Piano V3. It’s on or off for all presets. You can check the MIDI config in the Right panel.”

If I view the MIDi panel it seems to be set correctly (e.g. CC64) but I’m not quite sure if that’s enough - how do I toggle this global setting on and off?

That’s it. When CC64 is assigned it’s on.

Did you check the Keyb.Setting in Analog Labs toolbar in the bottom of the application? Is the Sustain setting set to Part 1 and not to NONE?

Also: I know you said you have reinstalled Analog Lab. But i suggest you uninstall it. Then restart your computer and install Analog Lab again.

BTW: You have a Arturia controller. Have’nt you set that as your controller in the right panel s midi configs of your applications? If not, then you can try that too. Be sure it’s the correct one.
You can also try the Generic setting, just to test.
If not allready, then try to select the same setting in both Piano V3 and Analog Lab V.

FYI: I don’t have a Arturia controller yet. I use Generic setting.

“Did you check the Keyb.Setting in Analog Labs toolbar in the bottom of the application? Is the Sustain setting set to Part 1 and not to NONE?”

Yes, this has been checked. I’ve tried toggling the Sustain control from Part 1 to None back again, but it made no difference.

“BTW: You have a Arturia controller. Have’nt you set that as your controller in the right panel s midi configs of your applications?”

Yes, I’ve set it to KeyLab mkII 88, but that setting rather annoyingly doesn’t display any of the midi assignments.

“You can also try the Generic setting, just to test.
If not allready, then try to select the same setting in both Piano V3 and Analog Lab V.”

I’ve tried this as well, and interestingly (?) in the generic setting there’s no CC64 listed (it goes straight from 29 to 72). I can’t seem to see a “Sustain Pedal” in the “Add Control” list, which I guess is because we’re not supposed to change CC64 and it should remain the default?

Even when I select a preset which does recognise the sustain (e.g. American Classic) , there’s still no CC64 listed in the MIDI assignments.

I’ve also saved a version of 1982 and renamed it 1982_SUSTAIN_TEST.

When I play that in Piano V, sustain works but not when I play it in Analog Lab

This is correct in Analog Lab as the sustain settings is done in the full applications. In Analog Lab you only have the pedal setting option in the lower toolbars Keyb.Settings.

Your issue is really weird. The presets we talk about is in Piano V format. So the presets in Piano V3 and in Analog Lab is the same. Only some presets have issues. They all should work the same both in Piano V3 and in Analog Lab V. There is nothing to indicate it’s a preset issue. It’s weird that some presets work in Analog Lab while some do not.
I can only suggest you doo a reinstall of Analog Lab the way i described with restarting the computer.
I can also suggest You clear the Preferences in Analog Lab through Arturia Software Center - just in case.
Also i can suggest you try to delete the db.db3 file in your main preset folder and then open Analog Lab some time to let the database rebuild. Again just in case.
If none of this does’nt help, then i suggest you contact Arturia support.

Thanks again for your replies, I appreciate your taking the time.

I’ve uninstalled everything and reinstalled it, and everything is back to normal.

No idea what happened but at least it’s working again!

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You are welcome.

I’m glad that worked out.

Sometimes strange things happens. Good it work now. Thanks for reporting back.

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