[SOLVED] How to record KeyStep 37 sequenced hardware in Logic at the right tempo?

I can’t get Keystep 37 working with Logic the way I want.

I use Keystep 37 to control a hardware device (SOMA Pulsar-23). The tempo isn’t aligned when I record the Pulsar-23 audio into Logic. The beats drift away from the bars and measure in Logic, even though the KeyStep 37 and Logic have the same BPM (116).

To fix this, I need to include Logic in my MIDI chain, and ideally, I’d like to sync transport so that Record in Logic will start the KeyStep 37 sequence.

However, despite many hours of research, I’ve been unable to get things configured correctly. I got Logic to start the KeyStep 37 when I press Record, but it doesn’t play my sequence. It starts sending Clock signal to the Pulsar-23, but not any notes.

So, I wanted to ask for help before I return this thing to Amazon.

My setup:

  • Apple Logic Pro
  • Arturia AudioFuse audio interface with MIDI in/out
  • KeyStep 37 with USB MIDI and MIDI (DIN) in/out
  • Pulsar-23 with MIDI in


While sequencing the Pulsar-23 from KeyStep 37, I want to record the audio from Pulsar-23 in Logic so that the audio BPM aligns with the Logic Project tempo.

I understand I could eliminate the KeyStep 37 and sequence the Pulsar-23 directly from Logic. But I want to noodle around the KeyStep 37 because it also has CV and gate outputs.

Scenario 1

Rear Switches: Internal

MIDI Through: OFF

Transport Setting

Play/Pause: Pause

Transport Mode: OFF

With the KeyStep 37 (herein KS37) MIDI out connected to Pulsar-23 (herein P23), I can control the P23 and run the KS37 sequences.

Scenario 2

Rear Switches: Internal

MIDI Through: OFF

Transport Setting

Play/Pause: Pause

Transport Mode: OFF

With the KeyStep 37 (herein KS37) MIDI out connected to Pulsar-23 (herein P23), and the KS37 joined to my MacBookPro (herein MBP) by USB/MIDI. The problem is that when I start the KS37 sequencer, it plays a few notes on the P23, then stops as if the notes are being “swallowed” by Logic.

Scenario 3

Same as above but I changed these setting:

Play/Pause: Reset

Transport Mode: MIDI CC

I also tried adding KeyStep 37 in Logic under Synchronization Settings and ticking the “clock” checkbox. But that might only work if I change the switches to USB.

This is pretty exhausting. I hope someone can help or the KeyStep 37 is going back to Amazon.

OK, I figured it out! Phew!

I took a break then decided to try again. Yes, you’ll need to flip the switches on the rear from Internal to USB clock. Then starting play/record in Logic will kick off your Keystep 37 sequence. I didn’t realize it worked because the first measure is always empty! So the first measure is a “5-6-7-8” countdown measure, but I didn’t realize that and stopped it before the notes kicked in, so I thought it was just not working at all lol

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