Small big disappointment with the firmware and integration with Apple Logic Pro

First of all, I have to say that I am excited about the MiniLab 3; it’s a great addition to a DAW on an already small workspace.

It works great with instruments from Arturia, but if you want custom settings for your DAW (in my case Logic Pro), you’ll quickly run into a few issues.

If you want to customize the DAW mode, you’re out of luck.

Alright, I thought I’d create a user mode and use the DAW mode as a base, but the firmware doesn’t offer this option. So, I started building the user configuration from scratch.

One of the features I bought the MiniLab 3 for was the text feedback on the device’s OLED display. Unfortunately, you lose this option in User mode. It receives feedback in ARTURIA mode, DAW mode, but why not in USER mode (!?).

All original functions can be reconstructed again in the Controller Assignments settings.

And that includes the transport control functions as well. There is another firmware bug here. The transport control (SHIFT + the corresponding pad) sends not only the assigned controller number (#CC) you taught it, but also note-on and note-off messages! This is clearly a bug.

In firmware version 1.1.1, which introduces the option of permanent transport control by holding SHIFT + Pad #2 (labeled Pad), there is another bug with the function of Pad #4 (Cycle, Loop), causing an additional unwanted controller to be sent (in my case #3C).

Otherwise, the ability to set the knobs in RELATIVE mode is a big plus of the new firmware.

In Logic Pro, #CC must also be set to relative and the format changed (see picture).

Has anyone experienced similar issues mentioned above?

HI @raadgie and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

It might be an idea to spread your wants/needs over a few posts, split them up into individual ‘Feature Requests’ and possible bug reports as they’ll be more likely to be seen by The Arturia Devs.
Also, if you list an issue per post, it helps to stop multiple ‘issues’ cropping up within it and again, makes it easier for Arturia Staff to keep track of.

cheers for posting though!