Several issues with ASC and MCC

My current setup:

  • Macbook (M3)
  • Microfreak (v5)
  • Minilab 3 (1.1.1)
  • ASC (
  • MCC (

My issues

  • ASC does not list my actived Microfreak while the Website does
  • ASC prints version 1.1.1 for the Minilab, but when i click on the version button, it reports “could not get firmware revision”
  • MCC updated the Microfreak to v5, afterwards it also updated some sort of a Library to it. Doing so, it crashed leaving me uncertain about the current state. And there seems to be no button to check the state of the Library or re-update it manually.
  • ASC proved a button to “reinstall” the MCC. Clicking on it does not do anything. No user feedback at all.

Does anyone know about these issues and howto solve them?n Any hints appreciated.

MCC has been a mess for me. for the longest time the LEDs on my Keystep 37 were not working and I thought I had a bad unit, but turns out the MCC was downloading the wrong update even though it said it was the most recent one

Yes, same for me. The latest version is awful and full of bugs. For now ive gone back to the previous version that works ok.

Hi all, i’m told there is an issue with the Mac version of ASC currently and it’s being looked at, so please hang on a little while if possible.

Please DO log in to your account to contact our support team as the more info they have will enable them to get to the issue.


Still not fixed with the latest update - crashes 15 secs after starting.

Process: MIDI Control Center [1338]
Path: /Applications/Arturia/MIDI Control Control Center
Identifier: com.arturia.midicontrolcenter
Version: (
Code Type: X86-64 (Translated)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2025-01-23 09:50:47.8268 +0200
OS Version: macOS 15.2 (24C101)

USB Device: Arturia KeyStep 37


I’m sorry you encoutedred such issue.
Unfortunately posting a crash report here won’t help.

Please contact our support, and/or send me a full crash dump in PM and I will try to take the time to check it.

Cheers !

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I did not post a crash report for that reason :slight_smile:
just the specs so others can see as well if the wonder
Thanks, I will send you the complete report :slight_smile:

Hi Tim
could not upload the crash report - character limitation in the PM.
Opened a ticket.

just to inform you all - the problem was solved with the support line.
I had to re-install the latest firmware on the keystep 37 in boot-loader mode.
After that MCC worked out of the box :slight_smile:

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Hi @waxdoctor and thanks for the update, appreciated!

Great to see your issue is sorted now. :+1::grin::+1: