Setting up my Keylab 61mk 2 Controller with MacStudio M2

I recently purchased the Keylab 61 mk 2 as my sole MIDI Controller. I would like to avail myself to all of its handy dandy features. I want it to interact seamlessly with my DAW-- LOGIC X (10.7.8). I went to this link to get the Keylab to interface with my new MacStudio M2.

First, I couldn’t really locate the MIDI CONTROL CENTER. Right clicking brings me nowhere. I will try installing Rosetta 2 before proceeding – what is confusing is the directions on this link direct me to select MACKIE CONTROL first. If I select Keylab 61 cannot be scanned – with an option to add it manually and that I would need to adjust all settings.

That does not sound either easy or efficient as I suspect a lot of work went into getting the templates all set up for Keylab to control Logic.

What are users supposed to do to get Keylab to operate within the Logic Environment. This is getting most frustrating. I can pretty much only use 1 MIDI Channel and I want of course to be able to take full advantage of the features that I bought it for.

Thank you. I sure hope someone will respond to this ASAP.

Woe is Me in Wivenhoe

PS…Does Arturia have a longer USB cable to connect Keylab to the computer ? I think the cord that comes with the unit is on the short side.

I don’t have Logic, I have Pro Tools. But in the Pro Tools Midi setup (Setup > MIDI > MIDI Input Devices), I select both a KeyLab
Mk2 “Daw” and KeyLab Mk2 “MIDI”. I’m sure Logic has something similar.

But you didn’t mention if you actually downloaded MIDI Control Center for Arturia’s website.

Hope you’ve already figured this out.

I’ve downloaded the Arturia Software Center if that’s what you mean. I do not see a MIDI Control Center at all. I got into the Analog V app on my desktop to see if there might be something there. I’ll keep hunting – I used this link to try to find everything specified in the instructions. I got as far as I described above and don’t want to add it manually as there is a warning that I would need to adjust all settings. I thought all the templates for Logic were sort of ready made across the keyboard so I don’t want to overwrite those.

Try these links,

when I recently bought mine (January) I also had to update the firmware as mine was out of date.

I know the link says 49 but it’s the same file/link whether you click on the 49 or 61

And the midi control center for the Mac

I’m on windows so can’t help you further, both the above files are on Arturias download page here

If you hold the DAW button for a second or so, the display changes to show what DAW it’s set to, simply turn the big knob until it says Logic.

The manual is also on that download page, here’s the link for the English version

You can also install MIDI Control Center using Arturia Software Center, but they are separate apps.