Setting MIDI

Hey, all.

Sincerest apologies if this has already been gone over, but I’m now setting up my 1st BeatstepPro and have a question:

When I press ‘Play’ my hardware all starts up, but it plays the first pattern I’ve already got saved on each device, which still takes tempo cues from the BSP.

Drum, Seq1, and Seq2 are set to MIDI 1, 2, 3, and I’ve confirmed that each device is set to receive on the proper MIDI channel.

Maybe you know where in the manual I should look for an answer?


What do you mean by Tempo Cues?

I mean my synths were receiving clock signals from the BSP, but the sound banks on each device were still playing.

I went ahead and cleared the first sound bank on each device, and they’re now receiving proper MIDI signals from the BeststepPro.

Thanks. :slight_smile: