Set Mode and Tonic in Sequencer

I am starting to use the sequencer in pigments and I am confused about selecting modes. Here is what I want to do:

Set the mode of the sequencer to a fixed mode. e.g. F Dorian. In that mode, the mode/scale will set the available notes to F, G, A♭, B♭, C, D, E♭, F with a tonic of F.

I can set the mode to Dorian, but I cannot change the tonic. so I cannot set the mode to F Dorian.

What am I missing?


Hi @mjl. Welcome to the community.

The Sequencer notes is relative to the input note. The base note is C.
So if you create your sequence in C with Dorian intervals and then play a F note, then the sequence play as F with Dorian intervals - F Dorian as you call it.
Your input note simply transpose the sequence.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you for your response, and I am sorry for taking so long to reply - I have had numerous other things in my life that have had to take on a higher priority of late.

Unfortunately, as sophisticated as the sequencer is, it seems that because the mode is related to each note played as opposed a selected foundational key, say E♭ Major and then the relative modes are available (C Aeolian/Minor or F Dorian, etc.), it is not useful to me. All I really want to do is select a key and have all of the notes that the sequencer plays, conform to the key. Ideally, if a mode were selected for that foundational key, the emphasis would be on the tonic of that mode. Even better, the sequencer would automatically deal with non-diatonic fifths, such as Dº in the above example. Sadly, that seems not to be possible.

I will need to either find another sequencer plugin that does this, or write my own sequencer VST.

Thank you for your assistance.