Hi! Is there a way to have a sequencer playback more than one MIDI note simultaneously?
An idea would be that one could hold a chord and then use Pigments’s sequencer to set the playback rhythm for that chord.
Currently it seems the Sequencer and Arpeggiator can only playback one note at a time.
Hi @jacksorjacksor. Welcome to the community.
The Seq and Arp only play one note at a time.
However both Engine 1 and Engine 2 have Chord functionality for the Wavetable, Analog and Sample options.
So a single note Seq or Arp can effectively play a chord using this functionality.
You can off coarse als tune different Oscillators to form a chord like done in the factory preset from Pigments 3 bank named “7 Osc Chord Rave Seq”.
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