Sequence transpose center pitch

Greetings all,

Just picked up a Keystep 37. My primary purpose is to use it as a sequencer for live performances.

I was quite surprised to find that a step sequence recorded in the key of A (i.e. A was the first note of the sequence) wasn’t considered “centered” in the key of A. When I start the sequence, it’s good, it starts in A, but when I press A, it shifts to F#. All additional note changes are off by -3 half-steps.

It turns out that the “transpose center pitch” is set by default to C, so I understand WHY this happens, but I’d like the behavior to be different. IMO, the key center should default to the first key pressed in the sequence unless otherwise specified.

To further complicate this, the “transpose center pitch” is only adjustable in the “midi transport center” and its setting is global across all 8 recorded sequences.

From searching online it appears my confusion isn’t unfounded. If there is no way to fix this without constantly adjusting it in the midi control center I’m afraid I’ll have to return the Keystep 37, which is disappointing as I like the form factor of the device.

Well, just to wrap this up; I wrote to arturia tech support who were responsive and knowledgable. They confirmed there is no way to change the key center of a sequence via the keyboard directly, only via the midi control center. From several searches online it doesn’t appear that I’m the only one concerned with this feature missing. It also doesn’t appear like Arturia is going to update the keystep 37 and add this feature (which from my point of view seems pretty trivial).

Anyway, I unfortunately had to send the keystep 37 back for a refund since this is a critical feature. I liked everything else about the controller, so I’m kind of bummed about it. I did research prior to buying this controller and the lack of this feature didn’t jump out at me. I sort of consider it a no-brainer to be able transpose a sequence on the fly (i.e. while playing live).

Hi @wagdog. Welcome to the community.

I don’t have a Keystep 37. But from what i know playing the keys will transpose the sequences.
If your Center is C, then just create your sequences for that.

Playing different notes transpose the Sequence on the fly.

You also have a Octave transpose for the keys if needed.

Thanks for the reply.

I did (finally) understand how the transpose worked, being centered in C. What I found unworkable was the fact that you can’t change that with the keyboard, only with the midi control center software. They could easily have put in a keystroke like SHIFT+OCTAVE- (transpose) and a key to change the key center (another, less well thought of “B” brand does exactly that) and it would have been good-to-go.

Yes, I could have also played the sequence in C and then transposed it, but that doesn’t lend itself to a live performance.

Short answer was this critical feature is missing and I had to return the unit. I did like it, a lot, except for that.

Again, thanks for the reply.

Even if your Center is C, then you can record sequences in any key.
The sequence will just transpose relative to the Center. So if the Center is C, then the recorded sequence will play in the recorded pitch when you play a C note. The transpose will be intervals from C no matter which key the sequence is played in, and not from A if the sequence is recorded in A.

I understand your wish, and i think Arturia could have made it possible to change the Center on the fly. But in most cases i can’t see it’s crucial, that you can’t set the Center on the fly.
However - if changing the Center on the fly for some reason is crucial to you, then it’s so to you.

May i ask which sequencer controller you think about here? I don’t know much about Behringer, if that’s what you mean.

Thanks again. I understand the C center situation, I do, I just wish you could change it with the keyboard. You can change it in the MCC software, so I’m really baffled why Arturia didn’t add a key combo to do directly on the board.

I’m referring to the much maligned Behringer Swing, which lets you change key center of a sequence, at least according to the manual: “Press SHIFT and OCT+/TRANSPOSE. Play a note to transpose the sequence.” - I don’t own one, but it seems pretty straight forward.

I have looked in the Behringer Swing manual.
For Chord mode it say pressing a key will transpose.
For Sequencer it only say what you write. And the result will be like simply pressing a key in Keystep 37.
To me it does’nt look like you change the Center in Swing this way, if that’s what you want. It might be a good idea to examine that more.