Seeking cubase compatability file

I’m looking for a single file that I can’t get from the legacy threads for some reason. It’s the .xml setup file. Here’s a link to said thread, if anyone could please tell me what I’m doing wrong in terms of trying to download it or, even better yet, post it here to save others the trouble, it would be greatly appreciated.


Really hoping someone can chime in and share the XML file here.


yeah, tht would be nice, did anyone have any joy finding this file? “Cubase_MicroFreak_Device.xml”

Hi searching for the same thing, many of us are in the same case, I’ve discussed with people on reddit about this legacy forum and the impossibilility to download the file, to download we have to registrer on the legacy forum but it’s no longer possible😓

I have even contacted the creator of this files with instagram with no succes

Arturia could you do something about it please ?

This files could be really helpful for cubase and MF users.

I found it !!!
Here :

Search the #1050 post the author is the same as in legacy forum and let his file here too😁