Save fine tuning setting


Can I save the fine tune setting of my polybrute?
I mean record it so I don’t have to check or reset it every time?



Save in what way? On the device, it’s always fine-tuned to however the knob is set.

I often play together with other synths and/or guitar…
I always tune this slightly lower than A=440Hrz.
Namely 4.34.1Hrz.
Then I would like to be able to permanently set the polybrute to a lower tuning.
someone else may use a higher or even lower tuning.
Now I have to check every time that no one has touched the “fine tune” knob…


I don’t think there’s any saved tuning setting outside the Fine Tune knob. Maybe it would be helpful to create presets for yourself with the oscillators pre-tuned to the desired frequency and use those instead of the Fine Tune knob?

But then I have to change every patch, and the same when I purchase sounds.
In almost every synth. or Roland, Korg, Kursweil there is a setting for the tuning.
My question is whether that is also possible in the polybrute…
That’s not such a strange question, is it?


No, there is no setting like that in the Polybrute.

Exactly, and that’s why I’m asking this question.
Maybe with an update?
We wait…

