Replacement Pads for Beatstep - No response from Arturia support


I opened a request at the Arturia support 15 days ago. They promised to get back to me with a quote for the requested spare part (pads); now 15 days have passed, but Arturia support still hasn’t replied to my inquiry.

Can someone give me a hit on where to find spare parts for BeatStep and SparkLE units?

Thanks in advance.

PM sent…
(ten characters)

Just wondering, did you receive them? Under warranty or did you have to pay for it?

Well, no, I haven’t gotten a proper response from Arturia yet, after the first initial response almost a month ago. Creepy.

I’ve received a couple of template-based answers, telling me they are “extremely busy.” Well, as they are running a commercial enterprise, I guess they should be busy :laughing:

I have 2 pieces of Arturia hardware; it’s more and more likely that at least one of them will end up in the trash can at the end of the week. Pitty.

So said to hear! I was hoping that at least one of the big players could run a business properly. So from product development to end user support.

I still think KSP and BSP are very capable products that could benefit so many users and Arturia, too.

But is seems they’re more interested in the same approach and offerings as NI brings to the market. It’s a shame this has to include their level of support.

Hopefully you’ll have a more positive experience before that trash solution…

Oh yeah, I like Arturia hardware solutions; I’ve been using their drum boards extensively. The thing is that I never imagined, when I bought them, that I could get stuck in a such situation. I’m working on a project with a tight deadline, so thank God I’ve found a replacement solution until, hopefully, Arturia helps me out by sending the spare parts.


This is my last effort trying to get some response and resolution from Arturia.

I have two hardware units and have been a loyal Arturia user, buying your software for years. However, I can’t wait any longer, as it has been more than five (5) weeks for me to try to get any help for my hardware units.

If some Arturia employee is reading this, I would appreciate your honest response.

Maybe you had some policy change that restricted you from helping customers with hardware failure. Ok, but please, it is better to let me know that than just ignore me. I can’t avoid pointing out that this is bizarre and on the verge of a grotesque experience altogether (…).

Thank you in advance.

Hello (again),

I have 2 Arturia-made hardware units, including the SparkLE, which need care and maintenance.

If anyone knows how to attract the attention of Arturia support, please let me know. I’ve tried most of the “regular” ways, including raising the ticket, but without result. I’ve been waiting for more than a month, and I really need to get them fixed.

Thank you in advance.

Today is actually a great day for me and for the music industry in general!

Arturia support responded to my queries and offered a spare-part solution for at least one of my Arturia hardware products.

It feels great!



Thanks for keeping us updated too. :+1: :sunglasses::+1:

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