Replace Song Preset

Studied manuals best I can…for my workflow, to create Song Preset Lists, it would be desirable to replace one of the 8 or 9 button presets with the one currently playing. Would have expected shift/preset button (like “Bass”) would do that. What am I missing? Thanks for helping!

For the preset currently playing, in the main instrument display (with the instrument image and preset name), if you hold down the display dial for 2-3 seconds (or shift + click the display dial), you can either:

  • add the current preset to your “Liked” presets (you can then select to browse only through your Liked presets)
  • “Save As” the current preset in the User bank (you can then select to browse only through your User bank)
  • add it to a Song in a PlayList (you can then call up any Song in PlayList mode, and the first 10 presets of the current Song can be accessed directly via the 0-9 buttons)
    This sounds like what you are looking for.
    When adding a preset to a Song, it automatically goes after the last preset of the Song, but you can then move presets inside the Song in any order you want.

Thank you, I knew that, it’s just when you try to find a better preset for a Song at rehearsal time, that’s a bit of a stretch to do. Never mind, and keep up the great work.

+1000 to shift/preset storing current preset there!