Registering Polybrute with Connect

I registered my Polybrute sometime ago.
I recently updated Connect and the Polybrute to the latest versions.
However Connect keeps prompting me to register the Polybrute.
When I enter the details it tells me that this is already registered and so I am stuck on this dialog unable to use Connect

Hi @Dermot and welcome to our Sound Explorers Forum.

Sorry to hear this, it’s probably a good idea to log in to your account to contact our support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap:

I contacted support some time ago and still have received no reply

Hi @Dermot and welcome to our Sound Explorers Forum.

I do know support have a bit of a backlog currently, so it might be worth contacting them again. I can see this is likely to be rather frustrating for you, but please bear with.


Hi @Dermot,

Quick check-in about your support request – any word from the support team yet? If not, I can notify our support team to see if we ca get things moving for you ASAP.

Oh, and if you could toss over your ticket number, that’d be awesome. Helps us zip through things quicker.

Thanks a lot for your patience!

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Hi Matt
Sorry for the slow reply., I was ill :roll_eyes:
After many account deletions and re installs, thats the short version, I finally have everything working. Unfortunately I never heard from Arturia , which is very disappointing. I am a long time customer with many purchases and this is not good enough support for premium products,
Thank you for your efforts and happy christmas to you


Hi again @Dermot

Firstly, sorry to hear you’ve not heard back from support yet, other than the reply from @has.arturia above, all I can do is apologise on their behalf. In mitigation though, the past month has been INCREDIBLY busy with V Col X, the new MiniFreak V and the updated firmware for the hardware MiniFreak etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if you DO hear from them after the holidays.

Secondly, it’s great to hear you’re back up and running again, superb news!!! I hope you’re enjoying your rather tasty synth fully! That’s one BEAST of a synth you have there and I’m not envious at all :woozy_face: honestly! :wink: