Random Velocity=1 bug

Good day, I’m having issues with random velocity=1 values on key pressing every couple of minutes on my new Arturia KeyLab Essential 88 mk3 (firmware 1.1.6). It reproduces consistently on different DAWs and VSTs (I’m tried Ableton Live, Analog Lab V, Keyscape, Pianoteq on Windows 10 PC and Pianoteq and GarageBand on iPad). Firmware reset didn’t fix that issue.
Is anyone else experiencing that issue and what I can do to fix it? It’s very dissapointing to have such annoying bugs on a new product.
Here is example of MIDI log with bug representation when I’m pressing keys with maximum force:

In: 99 45 7E | Ch 10 Note On A3
In: 89 43 00 | Ch 10 Note Off G3
In: 99 47 78 | Ch 10 Note On B3
In: 89 45 00 | Ch 10 Note Off A3
In: 99 48 71 | Ch 10 Note On C4
In: 89 47 00 | Ch 10 Note Off B3
In: 99 4A 7D | Ch 10 Note On D4
In: 89 48 00 | Ch 10 Note Off C4
In: 99 4C 77 | Ch 10 Note On E4
In: 89 4A 00 | Ch 10 Note Off D4
In: 99 4D 75 | Ch 10 Note On F4
In: 89 4C 00 | Ch 10 Note Off E4
In: 99 4F 7E | Ch 10 Note On G4
In: 89 4D 00 | Ch 10 Note Off F4
In: 99 51 7E | Ch 10 Note On A4
In: 89 4F 00 | Ch 10 Note Off G4
In: 99 53 71 | Ch 10 Note On B4
In: 89 51 00 | Ch 10 Note Off A4
In: 99 54 7D | Ch 10 Note On C5
In: 89 53 00 | Ch 10 Note Off B4
In: 99 53 01 | Ch 10 Note On B4
In: 89 54 00 | Ch 10 Note Off C5
In: 99 51 79 | Ch 10 Note On A4
In: 89 53 00 | Ch 10 Note Off B4
In: 89 51 00 | Ch 10 Note Off A4

HI @dAN0n and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum!

Sorry to hear about this, i think it might be a good idea to log in to your account to contact The Arturia support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap:

I’ve been experiencing this same issue on a Keylab MK3 Essential 61 for the last few months.

I initially thought it was due to my light playing style or the basic quality keybed, and adjusted my style to be much heavier but it still happens too frequently to be a random occurrence.

It seems to happen more often playing scales evenly.

I don’t ever remember this happening a year ago when I first got the keyboard, so it could be wear, environment (humidity or temperature), or the last firmware update. The keyboard is in excellent condition and has been kept in the same area and treated much more carefully than most would.

I wonder if many more are not reporting it as this range is aimed at a beginners first keyboard and they could be assuming “it’s just their lack of experience”?

A consistent velocity of always ‘1’ when this happens feels like something a programmer would decide to return if a key press was registered, but the electronics didn’t return a good pressure/force value due to some reason.

Others have reported it btw:

I have exactly the same problem with KeyLab Essential 88 mk3 and I do not know how to fix it (I contacted support and am waiting for a response. Have you managed to fix this bug?

Screen log

Watch the video:

I can confirm this does indeed happen. Arturia support has told me that they are already looking into this bug. Apparently it’s a software/firmware bug. :smile:

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I have the same problem on my keylab essential 61 mk3 that I bought a few days ago. It seems to be a firmware bug. Also, after disabling the hold button, some random keys still remain in sustain mode until I press the additional main encoder.

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Still waiting for the firmware update, Arturia; the bug is still present at this time.

Hello everyone! Arturia just released a new firmware update which fixes this bug. :grin: Thank you, arturia

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minilab 3 (Firmware 1.2.0 and 1.1.1 tested) same Problem