Programmer fonctions pigments

J’ai acheté un mini clavier trois touches et un encodeur. Cependant je n’arrive pas à programmer des fonctions dans pigments. Est ce un produit non adapté, si oui un conseil pour l’achat d’un produit compatible ?

Hi @Remi74000 welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

To be able to control any of our software instruments with an external device you’ll need to use the MIDI protocol, meaning your device should have integrated it and communicate via USB with this kind of squared end and/or or USB-C connection:

Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 10.33.31

Without knowing your preferences I suggest you to check our Lab Range specially the MiniLab3 if you want to start exploring our products :musical_keyboard:

I hope this information will help you and that you join our community of Sound Explorers soon :zap: