Problems with Polybrute 12

Hello everyone !!!

I’ve been a happy owner of Polybrute 12 for about a month now. The synth is amazing but I have two problems with it.

Problem no. 1 - after entering Sleep mode, the synthesizer behaves randomly: the mode change diodes always flash, but the screen is sometimes on and sometimes off. A bigger problem is that after waking up from playing on the keyboard, the screen doesn’t always turn on. In such a situation, only pressing a button or turning a potentiometer helps. This happens quite often.

Problem no. 2 - sometimes, after switching to the arpeggiator or sequencer preset, the sound is triggered immediately without touching the keyboard. After repeating the operation, the synthesizer behaves normally, i.e. it waits for sounds to be played on the keyboard.

Does anyone else have this problem with PB12 ? Is this normal behavior ?

Thank you in advance for your help and best regards.

Referring to your problem no 1: I have exactly the same behavior.

I have not noticed your second problem, but maybe just because I use the seq or the arp not very often.

Best regards,

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Yeah Number 2 has been happening to me and is very annoying. I hit the Arp button and it immediately starts playing a pattern.


Just for the record: I noticed the second problem (arp is triggered immediately without playing a note) also quite a few times. How can we report this as a bug?

Best regards,

At the top of this page there’s a “_SUPPORT” link. Click it, scroll to the bottom, click “Ask for help”, scroll down, click “Ask for technical support”.

Before writing to the Arturia Support, it would be really nice if somebody here could try to reproduce the arpeggiator problem we have discussed above.

It seems that the problem occurs only when specific keys have been played just before the arpeggiator is activated.

Could anybody please try this:

  1. Load the init patch or reset the current patch to the initial state
  2. Press and release the middle “D” key (the “D” just below the center marker of the ribbon)
  3. Activate the arpeggiator

On my Polybrute 12, the arpeggiator starts playing a pattern with the “D” key even though no key is pressed.

There seem to be a few keys that activate this behavior, like all lower “D” keys but also some “Bb” keys. I have not tested this for each key.

Best regards,