Problems Importing, Deleting SoundBanks from Arturia Store to Astrolab61

hey everybody,
I recently purchased a bunch of Soundbanks from the arturia store,
the last one I had purchased, I can’t remember how it made my way to the Astrolab.
But it’s there in the SoundBanks section.

I purchased about 6 or 7 new banks. But I can’t seem to figure out how they get on to Astrolab. I pressed the 3 small buttons but that only imports one single preset.

So problem is now I have 6 banks called (LoFi Cartridge_1 to _6 and I don’t see any way to delete them from the AstroLab internal menu, or from the Analog V.

It seems to me the Astrolab navigation buttons, seem abit redundant, example up down buttons underneath scroll wheel, and I 'm hoping that they can be later implement with “shift” or dual functions to create more fluitidy while navigating.

Thanks for all the work team, I am staying on board depsite alot of frustrations, but Simon at support has been really helpful thank you.


Solved →
Via Analog LABS connect –
Use the Bank Filter —>

Hi I’m buying an Astrolab next month but want to buy some soundbanks from the store this week while they’re on sale.

This might be a dumb question, but can you download the soundbanks onto the Astrolab (so you can then take your Astrolab anywhere and play all the soundbanks you’ve bought)?

I wasn’t sure from reading the literature whether you can only play the soundbanks on the Astrolab when you are hooked up to Analog Lab via a computer?

Thanks for any help.

Yes, you can download and transfer compatible presets of the soundbanks into the AstroLab using Analog Lab, and then play them without being connected to Analog Lab.
You can also install the sounbanks directly into AstroLab using the AstroLab Connect app (iOS/Android) via WiFi.

Regarding “Compatible presets”, AstroLab can load presets/soundbanks from every instrument in V-Collection 9 (except Mellotron V) and Pigments.
It is not yet compatible with new instruments in V-Collection X and beyond (Acid V, CP70 V, Augmented Brass/Woodwinds/Yangtze, nor the latest versions of MiniV4 and WurliV3 (which were still MiniV3 and WurliV2 in VC9). Those should be added to AstroLab in future firmware updates.
AstroLab is not-compatible with “legacy” versions of instruments earlier than V-Collection 9. For instance, AstroLab can load presets from Jup-8V4, CS-80V4, Prophet 5V and Prophet VSV (all included in VC9), but not from earlier versions such as Jup-8V3, CS-80V3, Prophet V3.
Depending when the soundbanks were created, they might contain presets from those earlier versions that are not (and won’t be) compatible with AstroLab, or from newer versions that are not yet (but will be) compatible with AstroLab.

Great thank you :+1:

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