Problem with pad trigger

The pads do not work properly. I don’t know if it’s a MIDI configuration problem or a hardware problem but when I press the pads only once, sometimes two signals are sent and the sound is heard twice (Ableton Live 11)

I have firmware version 1.1.1 of the Minilab 3

Hi @sorroG and welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

If it’s just the pads double triggering, check in midi control center to see if there is any kind of ‘local control’ setting for them and set it to ‘of’. As it is just a controller unlikely though, but I don’t currently have access to the manual until tomorrow some time.
Have you inadvertently set up some kind of ‘midi loop’ that would cause double triggering? Local ‘on’ would cause this when working with a DAW.

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Thanks! No midi Loop enabled, and as you said, the problem is only with pads, not for keys.

I can’t find any “Local Control” setting under Midi Control Center for Minilab 3, would you please help me to find it?

Hi again @sorroG

I think the best course of action here would be for you to log in to your account to contact our support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap:

Ultimately I think my problem is due to 3 different reasons:

1.- I have to learn how to use the pads without leaving my finger slightly resting after a hit, as it can cause the second hit.

2.- There is a bug in Ableton that causes double sounds when recording with quantize and you make a hit out of time.

3.- There is a problem that I am still investigating that causes that selecting a track with the PAD of the minilab3 while using EnableArmOnselection → Instead of selecting and arming the track, it also puts it in Record giving the impression that you have given a double hit to the PAD. Here there is no double hit, it must be some kind of timing problem between the signal sent by the pad and the EnableArmOnSelection application.

Hi @sorroG and thanks for the update.
Out of interest, have you tried this with another DAW?

Not yet.

As of today I don’t blame the minilab 3, the hardware is fine (although the sensitivity of the pads is not perfect). I’m betting it’s more of an Ableton problem, I’ve already asked on their forums.

Thanks to all

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tips for troubleshooting MIDI problems:

  • Make sure that the MIDI cable is properly connected to the Minilab 3 and your computer.
  • Try restarting Ableton Live.
  • Try restarting your computer.
  • Try disabling any antivirus or firewall software that you are using.
  • Try running Ableton Live as an administrator.

Hi @BrovtalGemini and welcome to our Sound Explorers community!

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