Presets not showing in Analog Lab 4 browser

First post, and Arturia newb here, but I installed Analog Lab 4 that came with my Minilab MkII, and see probably 200 presets for the CS80 synth listed in the C:program data/arturia/presets/cs-80v3/factory/factory folder, but only 43 show up in the actual Arturia Analog Lab 4 browser. How do I access the other presets? This is the only "Lab 4 I have checked, but I presume there are other presets under the other synths that aren’t accesible. I have already deleted the db.db3 file and restarted the program, so I’m at a loss. Running W10 btw. There is a preset called “frippy” in the CS-80 folder and when I search for that particular preset using the Lab 4 browser nothing shows up. I also have “show hidden folders” checked under the “display” setting. Any help would be great.

Hi @ratikon. Welcome to the community.


Have you activated your Analog Lab 4 in Arturia Software Center (ASC)?

Did you in ASC see Analog Lab V as a free upgrade? It install alongside Analog Lab 4. So can you please install it and activate it, enable the Include Legacy Sounds in the main menu and see if you can find the presets there?

Wow…that’s the quickest response EVER on any forum I’ve joined.

If by Analog Lab V you mean Analog INTRO, then yes I installed that and chose legacy sounds. Even in INTRO the “frippy” preset doesn’t show…only less than 40 presets show.I typed in the frippy preset in the search box and nothing was found. I treid opening that file by using “open with”, tried both INTRO and Lab 4 with no results. I guess my next move would be to uninstall, then reinstall? Will that use up one of my activations? Again, thanks for all the help!

You are welcome.

I did’nt see you had Minilab MkII.
I’m not sure you have access to all the presets you have with the Analog Lab versions you have. I suggest you contact Arturia support through your account and ask them.

If you can run ALV PRO in Demo mode, then i can suggest you try that.

will do…I contacted them but will wait a couple days for a reply. Thanks again for the help, and even though I’ve never even used the MkII yet maybe I’ll get the MK3 and be done. We’ll see.