[Poss Bug] Audiofuse Control Center - Channel Names can't be saved?

I’m using the Audiofuse Studio control center and when I rename the channel inputs on either line level or ADAT they are not preserved when the unit powers down. They simply revert back to default values on reboot. Is there a way of saving them? Looked everywhere but I must have overlooked something!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

HI @bretthuckstep and welcome to The Sound Explorers Forum.

A good read through the manual and i cannot find a way of doing this either, in the manual P 30/70, it does state that “our mix settings are saved in
AudioFuse Studio so even if you switch off the interface”, so this could well be a bug.
We’ll list it as such unless we hear different.


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Same issue for me, I never managed to get name saved properly.
AudioFuse 8Pre on MacBook Pro

HI @gian

Great to see you’ve made it over here to the new Sound Explorers Forum!

I’ll log this as a possible bug so our team are aware of it…

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