I am trying to figure out how to program the DX7-V.
There is one thing so far I really do not understand. If I have a monophonic preset (for instance the factory preset Lately Bass), and I play it fast on my keyboard (using a Keylab essential MK3 49 if that matters), the notes always seem to glide. The envelope doesn’t get triggered for each note played. It doesn’t seem to matter if I turn Portamento on or off or what Portamento setting I choose in the advanced section of the synth. What I find even weirder, is that the timing knob seems to influence how it glides from one note to another, even though the Portamento button is set to “off”.
I must admit that I am a noob when it comes to synthesizers in general and especially when it comes to FM synthesizers. So if I am looking at the complete wrong section, please do tell me.
Hi @Sheldor. Welcome back.
It’s not uncommon for vintage Synths that envelopes are not retriggered when playing mono modes legato style.
Afaik this is normal behavior for the original hardware DX-7 too. I can’t say for sure though.
In DX7 V you have to be in Poly mode for the Polyphony and not Mono mode to retrigger Envelopes. And the Poly Voice number must be more than 1.
This will on the other hand mean, that you can’t only get Portamento when playing legato style. It will be allways. It all will act polyphonic.
The Portamento on/ off “not working” behavior is in Fingered MONO mode only.
In MONO mode if you have Portamento mode set to Full Time, then the Portamento On/ Off button works.
I’ve read the following note in a DX7 manual.
“If a foot switch is plugged into the Portamento jack, it will have no effect in the FINGERED PORTA mode.”
This jack is the Portamento on/ off. So it look like DX7-V work like the original.
I think it all work like in the original DX7.
If anyone can prove me wrong, then please do.
I certainly understand the confusion.
I would like an option for Envelope retrigger in MONO mode when playing legato style.
It also would be logic, if the Portamento on/ off always worked.
Thanks for clarifying that to me!
Even though it doesn’t work like I expected it to work, I at least now know that I am not overlooking something or stumbled on a bug.
Thanks again! Much appreciated.