Polybrute connect 3.0 freezes Cubase 12 and Live 11

DAWS: Cubase 12 and Live 11 on windows 11
Situation: Polybrute connect will freeze my project for about 5 to 10 minutes after loading a project that has an instance of polybrute connect. New Projects will freeze as soon as I load an instance of polybrute connect. Uninstalling and reinstalling does not resolve this issue

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Hi @RonBorkent we’re glad to see you here!

Sorry to read this, in order to help you better please log in to your account to contact our support team that will help you to fix this situation.

Best :zap:


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I have reported it. I was just curious if there are more people with this issue. If I’m the only one it most likely is an issue at my side.

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Hey @RonBorkent
Ok, thanks for letting us know, hopefully support will be in touch with you soon!

Hello - Just wanted to speak up and say that I’m having the same problem with Nuendo 12.