PolyBrute 12 noire edition?

Dear Arturia… will there be a noire version of PolyBrute 12? Can you say anything at all, even just a “if there’s enough interest”?

I see this asked a lot in youtube and reddit comments. I can afford to upgrade from my beloved PB6, but the creme beige is such a step down for me in the aesthetic… part of what invites me to the excellent interface of this synth.

Almost any other color probably would have been fine, but all I can think of is the cigarette smoke stained 90s computers of my youth, and I don’t want to go back :laughing:.

And yet, there are people who absolutely love it, so congrats in that regard and much love to your pioneering synth business with its inspiring product line.


HI @discombob

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I tried Polybrute 12 last saturday so I saw the real thing at last. IMO it is one of the most beautiful synth I’ve seen these last years. I just love that creamy look which, indeed, brings us back 40 years behind yet looks quite modern today (dare I say avant-garde ? ).
Every new synth is black nowadays, which tends to be a bit depressing for me. We need colors and this one is just great !


Agreed – if you think the color looks like your aged PC of yesteryear it’s probably because you haven’t seen one in person.


For me this cream color is also nice, so different and vintage.

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I own the PB12 and it is stunning in person.

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