POLYBRUTE 12 MIDI Control Functionality could be so much better. Here are some Ideas!

Im a new owner but I was hoping for a little more functionality for the Polybrute as it has a lot of midi already baked in and a few tweaks would make it powerful as a controller also. Is this where I suggest stuff or should I followup with Arturia directly too?

Midi Functionality:

  1. Bug: The keyboard can’t send notes 0-11 or 121-127, this is a bug, stops me from using it with devices that require these more extreme notes, for example Octatrack or triggering Electron Syntakt/digitakt tracks, they all start at note zero.

  2. Bug: External incoming Cc 9 should affect ribbon, its not currently

  3. Bug: External incoming CC114/115/89 should affect Morphee they are not

  4. Bug: External incoming Aftertouch on a specific channel from external control should be per channel, lower channel aftertouch doesn’t function independently, both upper and lower channel aftertouch affect both parts.

  5. Bug: Midi should send to DIN with polybrute connect running, it’s not sending until you close poly brute connect.

  6. Local Off Mode should be able to be saved per preset to override the global setting, that way we can have a global setting for all presets that dont have a separate preset local off saved value.

  7. Midi Channel per upper and lower zone should be saved per preset to override the global setting, allow a global setting like now but then a per preset override, so we dont have to update all presets and resave hundreds.

  8. Midi cc message assignment allowed per knob instead of fixed assignments, so we can choose and match our synths that have fixed assignments.

  9. Midi controller mode added to maintain the current state of the Polybrute, but then shift into controller mode, which allows us to send midi out from keys/knobs without affecting the current patch sound, would work great with 6, 7, 8 above. I suggest timbrality + wheel, see suggestion 13 below for the full idea.

  10. Display message or graphic on screen when incoming midi is affecting the patch. Or give us a midi monitor in settings. Also show us somewhere what midi is going out per knob, currently and if you implement this other stuff.

  11. If you do 8 above, then the Ability to name assignments and see names on screen as they are turned. Preferably through the polybrute connect app so we can use a keyboard, or use a text file instrument definition and add the ability to import these.

  12. Midi Split mode to allow local off on either side, use with 7 above to have one side affect external only, then the option to affect external only, internal only or both external and internal.

  13. BIG IDEA: And a new button combo I suggest timbrality + wheel to change knob control on the panel from affecting the sound, to only sending midi cc per knob, this combo + settings button could let us access the midi channel per Morph side and per keyboard split. When in this mode we can setup two knob profiles including channel for Morph A and B, two split channels for the keyboard upper and lower, along with local on/off. Then when midi control is activated, the morph knob can switch between two layers of midi cc control on top of the two layers of patch control, so side A can send different cc’s than side B on specific channels and not affect our current sound. The morph function could be applied to cc values as well when not in either full A or B position, it could allow interpolation between two values if set to the same midi channel for A and B.

  14. BIG IDEA CONTINUED: Mod Matrix Midi Channel Assignment to one or more channels simultaneously, for upper keyboard, lower keyboard, morph knobs side A and morph knobs side B. Essentially I see two mod destination pages for channels 1-16. To Access Press MOD + Settings to latch, you would see the midi sources which would include Lower keyboard, upper keyboard, Morph knob Side A and Morph Knob side B, and Local On/Off option from here for quickly turning it on or off when you are assigning upper/lower. You can then assign the 4 midi sources to one or more midi channels. Lets us control one or more devices with both keyboard zones and two knob cc profiles.

  15. BIG IDEA CONTINUED AGAIN: If you do 14 above, let the regular Mod Matrix can be used per knob/function to affect the current patch like normal but also to affect outgoing cc’s. The knobs would send the cc’s regardless if turned, but what if we could assign LFO 3 to turn the cc assigned to knob profile A for Master cutoff and send it out of channel 2, 6 and 7. This would be accessed by holding mod button, turning a knob to set a cc destination on an upper column. Then press a pad to assign a sidebar source to that cc destination, LFO affects cc now, then press 14 above Settings + Mod to assign knob A knobs to any single or multiple channel you want through the Midi Mod Matrix.

  16. AT MINIMUM: Quick midi channel assignment, its very menu divey now if you dont do the things above, I at least want shortcuts to change my upper and lower and local on/off settings with a quick settings + something button combo, and a way to send knob cc control without affecting our current patch. Maybe a mod matrix additional page could be used for this?