Please deliever Arturia

Dear Arturia Team,
after you have neglected your Polybrute owners so negligently.
Crashes, note hangs, Polybrute Connect unusable…
From my point of view it is the last chance to regain trust. I hope you deliver in September!
To lose the undisputed lead so carelessly and quickly to the competition is already (negatively) remarkable. A few examples? Gladly!

  • Price: Behringer Pro-800
  • User interface: Waldorf Iridium
  • Innovation: UDO Audio Super Gemini
  • Integration DAW: Elektron / Modal Electronics
    Remains as important points After Sale Service/Updates: There I look with large envy on Micro/Minifreak users which get so much updates, even new functions: Keyword VST Editor.
    And finally handling: I take the example of sounds/presets. Why the unspeakably cumbersome each preset / sound bank individually license and then PB Connect forgets that constantly …
    What remains? The feeling as a customer of your (expensive) hardware prestige flagship to have made a blatant mistake purchase - Not a nice feeling, if you are so wrong. I’m very excited and hope that my expectations will be met - maybe even exceeded - in September.