Pigments interface not opening in Ableton

I am not sure if this is an Arturia question or Ableton.

When opening a live set that includes Pigments, I can see the device in the device chain, but the Pigments interface isn’t visible. The only way I have found to activate it again is to load another plugin and and then reload Pigments.

I won’t be surprised if this is a user error. Is there a way to force the interface to open?

I thought I had solved this, click the “configure” button and it opens.


but now there is no “configure” button


The “triangle” button (top-left, middle button) is what makes the Configure panel appear. But the Configure button is for customizing Ableton’s control of a plugin’s parameters; it’s not necessary for making the plugin appear on-screen. The “wrench” button (top-left, right button) being lit up means the plugin window should be shown on your display. Is the plugin window possibly just hidden behind your Ableton window?

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DOH! Thanks - is there a face palm emoji? Oh…look… :man_facepalming: :o)

As for the wrench icon, great tip. When I grabbed the screenshot I wasn’t having the problem with no interface.

Man, there is so much to learn and no nitty gritty detailed manual…or is there?

Oh yes, Ableton has an absolutely fantastic manual that is most definitely worth reading though!