Pigments 6 is here 🤩

I can understand removing older “lower-quality” presets from brand-new Pigments V6 installs, but it’s terrible to remove them from existing upgrades!

I’ve had Pigments installed since V1, and may have older projects that use those removed presets. Next time I load one of those projects up, it won’t play correctly because a preset has secretly been deleted, and there would be no way to even know what the preset had been!


I am afraid you have made an error of judgment here.

What would happen now if I open an old Logic Project which uses one of those deleted patches? I assume it would not be available and I would have no way to recover the patch aside from installing old versions of Pigments?

This is nonsense.

Either reverse your decision or make the deleted patches available as a link for download, inform Pigments users of your decision (which you have failed to do) and let them download what they may need on the off chance that they have used a deleted patch.

It’s not for you to decide what does and does not constitute a “quality” patch. You make the software, we make the music.



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If anyone is interest I have collected the missing 101 preset files and can send them as a zip file. I see no way to upload them here. But I did upload them on the LogiProHelp site:

Maybe you can also download them from there.

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I of course agree with the comments above. And it does not end with Pigments.

To add insult to injury, from lily.arturia: In an ongoing effort to improve our instruments, we will continue to do this also in V-Collection.

So before updating anything in future SAVE your presets

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In the meantime I have been playing with the new pigments and of course as before it sounds great, but what really surprised me is the implementation of a vocoder. It works wonderfully well and the fact that you can choose from all the presets for carrier is a great asset. Kudos!

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Just to clarify on this. The sound will still be saved within in the project - it will not be lost. It is just the preset will no longer be listed to use in a new project.

Edit: Plus you can save it as a new preset within that old project.


I’ve been hit with things like this in the past, so years ago decided i’d print any soft synth sounds once i was happy with the results as a ‘safety’… it’s pretty good practise regardless.
It won’t allow you to use that sound elsewhere of course, but, other plugins aside; your project will still work.

As members of the sound design team at Arturia, it is our job to decide what does and does not constitute a quality patch. And we are music makers too.

We work on the product from a sound design POV and develop the brief and execution of what presets we want for the factory or expansions. Between the team and external sound designers, we build a library of sounds that we think represents the product and makes it shine.
A lot of work goes into delivering high quality sounds.

We are looking to find a way to archive old presets, so that those who would like to return to them can keep them.

We do not just mindless remove presets, they will only be removed because they are quite old and do not match up to our current standards.

If you are finding that a lot of presets you use are now missing, please let us know.

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Hi Joe,

I can appreciate that some sounds may sound dated and not show Pigments off as well as others. However, the issue is the unilateral decision to withdraw them without telling people and, aside from installing old versions of Pigments, no way to retrieve them. I understand they will be saved in a DAW but if I were to choose another preset and then try to go back to the original, that would be impossible unless I had saved a new version of the project or exit without saving, possibly losing other edits. None of this is tidy.

By all means, make the removed patches available as an archive - thats something that should have been done at the same time as removing them.

I apologise for getting on my high horse but I love Pigments and truly appreciate the innovative and hard work that Arturia do but these easily avoided PR issues do irk me immensly.

If you can make the removed patches available and communicate this to Pigments users, I would be grateful.

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We are looking to find a way to archive old presets, so that those who would like to return to them can keep them.

That would be great and it would avoid things like the hassle I had to go through with Pigments, spending hours installing the old version on another computer, copying the presets, comparing them to the new ones and putting together a set of 101 (!) presets that were no longer available.

I hope you can implement this before you update the many (otherwise great) synths both in and out of the V-collection. In my opinion it should not be too difficult. Instead of disregarding the old sounds which you do not want to keep to put them in a folder and make such folders accessible to the user as a legacy bank.

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Hmm, I used Pigments in Gig Performer.

So, it calls up synth sounds based on their “saved state”.

So, I used a Pigments sounds that is not longer a preset, can I assume that I will still get the sound because it recalls all the parameters of the sound?

Or will I no longer have the sound if I access a Gig File where I used a (now removed) preset?


As with other DAWs, the current state of the plugin is saved along with your project file. So the settings will still be there. It’s just when you go to find the original patch within the library it will be gone.

But you also have the opportunity here to resave the patch from your project if it is missing.

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I have a big bunch of 3rd party presets from Vicious Antelope I’ve installed in Pigments 5. If I upgrade to Pigments 6 will they still be there?

And as far as upgrading, does the upgrade just install right over Pigments 5, or will Pigments 6 be in a separate folder?

Incidentally, I wanted to start a new post, but was unable to find any way to do this on the site, so I had to reply instead. Where is the new post button?

Hi @JMBAND. Welcome back.

All old Pigments presets are compatible with Pigments 6.

To open a topic click into a forum - like Pigments forum - then at the top of the page there is a + New Topic button.

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Noted. We plan to improve this process going forward. Cheers!

Thanks for the feedback.
We are looking into this for the future : )

Loving pigments 6! Great work y’all, thank you :pray:

I did some sub bass design today using 6 :slight_smile:

Pigments 6 may well be here. But I have been unable to buy it for the last five days due to problems with the Arturia store.

For days when I logged in it showed one item in my cart. When I went to the cart it was empty.

Today it shows two lots of Pigments 6 and I can’t remove one.

I have reported all this to support, including screen shots and screen videos. They have failed miserably to resolve this.

I have now given up trying to buy Pigments. Arturia has wasted too much of my time.

Hello there, so sorry to hear you’re having trouble buying Pigments… when you say arturia store, you’re on the main website? have you tried clearing out your browser cache, and/or trying a different browser?

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