Pigments 6 is here šŸ¤©

Ready for download.

My weekend is now plannedšŸ˜Ž


Dang it.
I didnā€™t buy on Christmas sale.
Nice that Arturia is continued improving Pigments. :+1:
Maybe next Christmas.

Please be aware, before the likely usual avalanche of posts, that the ASC server is receiving VERY HEAVY traffic currently, so you might have to be patient for the next day or two.
Itā€™s worth the wait though!!! :+1::grin::+1:


There is currently a launch offer for 99ā‚¬

As long as I can start working with it on Friday evening, everything is okay :grin:

I saw in the AUX section a PRE and POST option. In the info pane it says poly when used in the PRE position. Are some of the fx polyphonic? Per voice fx?

Tried a couple, but i donā€™t think i was able to get per voice modulation (poly restart of lfoā€™s for instance) to get that to workā€¦

I downloaded (Windows 11) Pigments and it is a .pkg file. How do I install that? Usually I download and it is a exe and I just run it.

I have a license for Pigments 4 ā€¦ do I need to pay an upgrade to 6? (Iā€™ve not yet installed 4 though I have the license, becaue Iā€™ve never been able to get ASC past the login ā€¦ says connected ā€¦ but machine not authorized ā€¦ but if I canā€™t get on , how can I authorize my new PC?

I think the .pkg file is the Mac version. The Windows version should be an exe. Maybe try the download again from here: Arturia - Pigments

No, itā€™s a free upgrade for owners of previous versions.

thanks you were very helpful, I found the exe Windows version and the ASC did come online for me.

Iā€™m playing with Pigments 6 now ā€¦ very wonderful


Donā€™t forget to check out the bundles! they are the best ones yet in my opinion, especially the Bass & Lofi ones. If you own Pigments, itā€™s 19.99 for all 3 together.


Pigments 5.0 presets were not touched in the 6 update. The 100 presets of Pigments 5.0 are still there.

I canā€™t find this preset ā€œClass Polyā€ in any of our Pigments Factory banks. Are you sure thatā€™s the original name?

MY APOLOGIES! The name was indeed changed it is Vic 64 PWM. Please remove my messages, and once again sorry for the confusion.

Yeah, Iā€™m already putting it off until Iā€™m able to check out the new Exploration packs audio samples. If I can successfully stream those then thereā€™s a good chance I should be able to download Pigment 6 without much issue.

ā€¦In theory.

I gabbed the latest update earlier myself today with no issues at all, seems things are back to normal now.

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Itā€™s deja vu, always the same on the first day.
Only a very small glitch: the nice picture of Explorations 3 are replaced by anonimous man (have been hacked?). :upside_down_face:

Fixed itself! Je retire ce que jā€™ai dit. I retire what Iā€™ve said. :grin:

OK, I have to retract my apologies. I was 100% right! Vic 64 PWM is very similar in sound to Class Poly but not quite the same. To verify I installed v5 on another computer and indeed Class Poly is a preset in v5, so the name was not changed after all ( I could not remember having done that anyway).

So now I would like to know how we can get the old presets back?

I can confirmā€¦ in an old Pigments 3 install, that ā€œClass Polyā€ preset exists in the Factory bank, and it is not found in Pigments 6.

EDIT: I notice thereā€™s other Factory bank presets that existed in version 3 that also no longer exist in version 6 (Class Poly, Classic Lead, Classic Pad, etc.). I donā€™t know if they recently disappeared in 6, or if theyā€™ve been gone for awhile, but it is disconcerting.

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Thank you for confirming Talahamut! I took the trouble to compare the presets that start with an A or a number. All the below from v5 are gone in v6!


Aftertouch lift


Aggressive squared bass



Analog Triple VCO


Apex Yellow

Apocalypse Snow

Arcade Trails

As Below

Ascending EP


Astral Bell

Atonal Slam

Avalon Strings

Ay-Oh-Ay Kick

This is really unacceptable. This is only from the numbers and letter A starters!

Pigments 5.0 presets were not touched in the 6 update.

What you said is not correct, please read my other posts.

I have now carefully gone over things and there are 101 presets of v5 that are no longer present in v6!

If you want backwards compatibility BEFORE updating to v6, copy the factory folder from Mac HD/Library/Arturia/Presets/Pigments/
(donā€™t know the path for windows) and copy the content in the user folder of presets after having updated.

I reported to customer support that the link on the Pigments update page goes to an AudioRig firmware update.

They replied with a template response explaining how to upgrade Pigments.

Do humans work in your customer support? I doubt it - the message was quite clear.

On this page: Arturia - Pigments
Clicking on the link titled Free update for Pigments users
Takes you to this page: https://support.arturia.com/hc/en-us/articles/16550917857948-AudioFuse-16Rig-Firmware-Update

Maybe someone who understands what Iā€™m saying will take action.
The link is still incorrect, confusing anyone that clicks on it.