I notice after installing Pigments 6 that two folders, “include” & “lib” appear in my Applications folder. They appear to have something to do with “Essentia”. Essentia is an open-source C++ library for audio analysis and audio-based music information retrieval released under the Affero GPLv3 license. They look like header files (.h) and .cmake files. Anyone know what these folders are and why Pigments 6 installed them in my Application folder instead of installing them in Library/Arturia/Pigments?
It’s only a guess but there’re is now the facility to let Pigments search for similar patches to the one selected. This is in the patch list. Whether this does this by analysing the sounds, I do not know but maybe that’s what they are for?
That could be it. However, I like to know where something is installed on my computer and what it’s there for. Arturia should provide clarity here.
same here, Arturia please provide clarity
Same here.
Yep, me too. I don’t like having these folders in my applications folder, they don’t belong there!
Arturia, please try to fix it!
Arturia, please don’t try–just FIX it!
They really have no business placing random files in our Applications folder. No other applications do this, and for good reason.
This is unacceptable.
Arturia: "Thank you for reporting that. Indeed, those folders shouldn’t appear after the installation. The issue is known on our side. It has been logged as a bug for further investigation and I have linked your ticket to it.
The issue will be fixed with the next update. You can remove those folders."