Pigments 6 - different audio inputs

Pigments has a lot of audio inputs. Two in the modal engine, there is an audio input for noise 2 in the Utility engine and the vocoder has an audio input.

Is there a way to send different sidechain tracks to the audio inputs?

For example, I have 2 sidechain tracks in Cubase and I want so send sidechain 1 to the Modal collision and sidechain 2 to the vocoder, is there a way to choose which sidechain goes to which audio input or is there only one audio in for all sidechain tracks?

If there is no way to choose different audio inputs, It would be great to see it in a future update if it is technically possible.

Hi ollo,

You can only send signal into the side chain input.
I don’t know for sure but I imagine this is a technical limitation in DAWs as I have never seen the option to send more than one signal via side chain before.
If it was an option from within a DAW then I think it could be possible.

I will mention this to the team and get a clearer answer on this.


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Thank you, I know it’s a special question I think.

I send 2 sidechain channels in Cubase into Pigments and both are mixed together in the the noise 2 audio input for example.

When it is a technical thing in the DAW, maybe a Pigments FX VST could be a solution for the future. You can put it on a track for audio input 1 and the sidechain could be an audio input 2.