No matter what I do, I keep getting this GUI bug. I’ve tried messing around with “Allow windows to be resized,” “Resize,” and Cubase’s HiDPI settings. The last one does fix the issue, but it leaves all my plugins looking terrible, which is a no-go for me.
I can sometimes get the window to look normal by tweaking the different settings, but only until I close and reopen it.
I’m pretty sure that if I reinstalled my system (which is not happening), the problem would disappear—at least until I play around with “Resize” again.
Have you read Pigments manual sections and tried this?: Resize Window - Found in the main menu 3.3.1. Main Menu
3.8.5. Resize handle
3.8.6. Maximize View button
Did you check the other manual sections i mentioned?
What Resize Window setting have you choosen in Pigments main menu at the top left?
In you image you can also see the resize handle it the lower right corner. What happens when you click and drag there?
EDIT: Oh - i just notice you are in a DAW. Then it can be about your DAW settings. I don’t use Cubase. I can suggest you ask in a Cubase forum. EDIT END
Been there, done that. The window has the wrong size ratio, most of the time. It is not related to Cubase. None of the other synths in the V Collection X act like this,
To fix the issue, I located the configuration file for the GUI in the “C:\ProgramData\ArturiaSC\Arturia Software Center\GUI\gui.xml” folder. I found the correct resolution by comparing it to how the Pigments VST behaved in the standalone version, where the resolution was 1600x1004. After editing the GUI dimensions in this file to the correct resolution (1600x1004), I was able to resolve the issue, and the VST now displays at the proper resolution in Cubase.
But the Arturia SC folder is for Arturia Software Center. The files in it have nothing to do with Pigments. Also i don’t have that gui.xml file in my Arturia SC folder. I have a GUI.html file, but still nothing to do with Pigments.
The standalone GUI and the plugin GUI use the same images.
So all in all i don’t understand your solution. But again - i’m glad you have resolved your issue. Thanks for letting us know.
You’re absolutely right—I was wrong. It was (and is) a Cubase issue. What happened, and what misled me, was that after modifying the gui.xml file, I created a new Cubase project and launched Pigments, where the GUI appeared flawless. That made me think I had fixed the issue, so I made my post.
However, when I later opened my template project, the issue was still there.
I’ve since created a new Cubase project, imported all tracks from my previous template, and added a new Pigments track. Now everything is fine. But you were right—the issue is Cubase-related.
Thanks for your time! It always helps to have someone to discuss these things with.