Piano V download link for Keylab MKII 61 purchase

The Keylab 61 MK II box says it comes with Piano V, where do I find the download as I can only get Piano III

Hi @Vidco-21. Welcome to the community.

I’m not sure what you mean by Piano 3.

Piano V can be downloaded and installed throug Arturia Software Center (ASC), and you activate the product there too.

Have you done all in this guide: https://www.arturia.com/products/hybrid-synths/keylab-mkii/start

Feel free to ask further if needed.

In my available products for download I see Piano V2 and Piano V3 but not Piano V unless I pay $49. I noticed that my Piano 3 (3.2.0) said an update was available but there is no option to find it. Thanks for your help.

Ahh. It’s just versions. They are all Piano V. Piano V3 is the latest version. You should feel lucky, if you have got both V2 and V3, they are both better than V1. You don’t own Piano V1, and you don’t need it, unless you have and wan’t to use presets made in that version.


I thought that the V was a roman 5 and not just a V :slight_smile: The confusion comes in because Analog Lab 4 went to become Analog Lab V. Arturia should look into this as its confusing switch numerals :slight_smile: Thanks for your help.

Yes i understand why you can be confused.
Your welcome.

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