Patch Changes from DAW (Cakewalk)

I’m using Cakewalk as my DAW and I’m struggling to understand how to change patches in Analog Lab Pro.

I’ve recorded a basic MIDI track and I want to tell Cakewalk to use a specific preset for the first 4 bars, then change that preset at Bar 5 to another one.

The presets I’m looking to use are organised in a ‘Playlist’ in Analog Lab (the only ‘Playlist’ I have) and, within that playlist there are six ‘songs’.

From what I’ve read (which admittedly related to Ableton as I couldn’t find anything on Cakewalk) I have to try to tell Cakewalk to use “Bank 1” (for the 'Playlist") “Sub 5” for the “Song” and then “Program 4” for the patch I want.

However, in Cakewalk I only seem to have options for “Channel”, “Bank” and “Patch”. If I try to select the Bank option, the only value is “0-Bank-0” and, no matter what value I set the Patch to, the sounds which are triggered are always whatever I last manually selected when the Analog Lab VST was opened.

Additionally, when I do open Analag Lab Pro via the DAW, within the VST I see a menu in the top left of the screen with a drop down which sometimes displays “No Preset” and sometimes displays a whole menu, most of which seem to have multiple entries for various “Program Changes” e.g.

Is anyone able to help me work out how to instruct Cakewalk to use the correct patches?

Many thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to repond

Hi @KnewBee ,

ProgramChanges is used for that in midi. It’s a generel midi messages. There is a Bank Select and a programChange parameter. It should work just like sending any other automation parameter from your DAW. As far as i recall In Arturia applications the Bank Select select the programlist and the programChange select the preset in the list.

Programchange do not work correct with VST3 in my DAW Studio One 6. In generel i think VST3 is’nt that good with programChange. It work with VST2 the last time i tried.

I’m not sure what you exspect. keep in mind that changing presets often does’nt change instantly. There will be a delay. You can perhaps exsperience a stop in your track, when you send the change.

I can only suggest you try it out, see how it works for you and make your own opinion, if you will use it or not like this.

Working in a DAW, you are much better off using two separate tracks with Analog Lab on each one, and keeping the different sounds and MIDI clips separate. Unless there’s some reason you can’t do that with your specific setup.

Thanks for your replies, and I’ve come to the same conclusion around using separate tracks for separate patches.

I thought changing patches might be easier but turns out it’s just a long way for a shortcut!